9-12 months)

37 Pins
Shape and Color Activities for Toddlers, Match Box Craft for Kids
Montessori Activities, Toddler Activities indoor, Easy Toddler Activities, preschool learning activities printables, kindergarten, fine motor skill, Busy Book, Preschool Busy Binder, Busy Binder 3-5 year old, Diy Busy Binder For kids, homeschool, matching game, Colour matching, Shape matching, Number matching, Animal matching, quiet book, felt book template, educational print, children puzzle, keep kids busy, busy mom life, DIY kids toys, numbers activity, kids craft, pretend play, dramatic play
No LINK DA BIO eu ensino como ser a melhor professora de educação infantil do mundo e entrego as melhores atividades para educar seu filho em casa ou na escola. Se inscreva no Curso Infantil de 0-6 anos, mais adorado do Brasil! LINK DA BIO! #creche #educaçao #educar #educaçãoespecial #educaçaoinfantil #educaçãoinclusiva #homeschoolingbrasil #kids #atividadespedagógicas #educacao #crianças #brincadeirasinfantis #brincadeiras #criançasreconhecimento #professora
10-12 Month Baby Sensory Development Activities Video
From textured toys to new smells, help baby discover all their senses through play by viewing our Sensory Development Activities video for 7-9 month old babies. Watch this entire video by heading over to Pathways.org #sensory #sensoryplay #babyplay #babygames #babyactivities #sensoryactivities #sensoryfun #funideas #babydevelopment #sensorydevelopment #OT #occupationaltherapy #pediatricOT #babysensory Copyright © 2021 Pathways Foundation
10-12 Month Baby Game: Furniture Follow
Help baby learn how to walk with a little help from furniture and toys! Try this Furniture Follow activity to develop your future walker's gross motor skills and independence! #babygames #babyactivities #motordevelopment #motorskills #grossmotor #grossmotorskills #babyplay #learningthroughplay #playwithbaby #babyactivities #walkingtips #babywalk #firststeps #babywalking #babymilestones #10monthsold #11monthsold #12monthsold Copyright © 2020 Pathways Foundation
10-12 Month Baby Game: Body Points
Play this question/point activity to help 10-12 month olds learn their body parts while developing early communication skills! #earlycommunication #babydevelopment #babygames #babyactivity #10monthsold #11monthsold #12monthsold #speechlanguagepathology #speechandlanguage
Você faz essa atividade colocando copos cortados no meio, grudados em uma caixa de papelão. Isso estimula o movimento e a coordenação motora, além de ensinar os números! Muito bom para mais de 4 anos! Experimente fazer você mesma! Entre em @profedudad no Link da Bio @profedudad e se inscreva no Curso Infantil de 0-6 anos, mais adorado do Brasil! Compartilhe com seus amigos!