Graduation Party: Dan's Masters Degree

My husband is working on his master's degree while working full-time (40+ hours per week), being a volunteer firefighter, and being a husband and dad. It should take 4 years in all to complete because he can only take one class at a time unless he finds a way to add more hours to a day! To have him put so much time into his classes is difficult on all of us and there will be one big party when he is finished!! He is the hardest worker I know! <3
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Beste Forbrukslån Norge | Forbrukslå
Graduation Mason Jar Money Gift... a unique way to gift money :)
Graduation Party Ideas:: A Dessert Table
Tie a string candy (or a piece of ribbon..but don't eat it) around a pirouette cookie for edible diplomas! Would have to make my own pirouette cookies though...
Graduation Party for One Smart Cookie! - Two Prince Bakery Theater
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