Hudson activities

47 Pins
Disappearing Color Science Experiment
This is one of the easiest science activities you can do at home. It is a bit like magic, this chemical reaction between two things. We love science experiments like this.
Esta é uma atividade divertida e educativa que promove a coordenação motora fina e estimula a criatividade das crianças. Além disso, a prática do sopro é fundamental para o desenvolvimento da musculatura oral e da respiração controlada, ajudando no fortalecimento dos músculos da face, o que pode beneficiar a fala e outras funções motoras orais importantes. Assim, as crianças se divertem enquanto aprendem e se desenvolvem! 😄 Gostou dessa ideia? Siga para mais ideias divertidas de aprendiza...
How to Make The Best Classic Catapult (With Free Science Printables)
This classic catapult combines active learning with loads of fun, and it’s made with just 3 things: popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and a spoon. The post includes the history of catapults + science printables! #kidsactivities #freeprintables #creativelearning #STEM #funlearning #earlyeducation #catapultchallenge
This may contain: a woman holding a paper plate with blue paint on it
The most ✨satisfying✨ experiment ever!
The most ✨satisfying✨ experiment ever! I hope you like your name tag @Mr.Y_TheArtGuy! #science #scienceexperiment #physicalchange #scienceteacher #scienceforkids #education #diy #nametag #learnontiktok #nowyouknow #tiktokteachers
This may contain: lava lamp science experiment using vinegar and baking soda
Lava Lamp Science Experiment 🌋 with Baking Soda and Vinegar - No Alka Seltzer
Lava Lamp Science Experiment 🌋 ages 3+ 🌋 One of my most asked questions is if there is a way to do the lava lamp experiment without Alka-Seltzer or effervescent tablets and the answer is YES!! You can use baking soda and vinegar and it works just as well! Here’s how to do it: 👉 MATERIALS NEEDED: • * glass • * Baking soda • * Vegetable oil • * Small cups • * White vinegar • * Food coloring • * Dropper 👉 WHAT TO DO: • 1. Start by adding 1 tbsp of baking soda to the glass. • 2. Then fill the glass about 1/2 full with vegetable oil. • 3. Next pour some vinegar into small cups and add food coloring to dye the vinegar your favorite color. • 4. Finally, use a dropper to add the colored vinegar to the oil. Add several droppers full of vinegar. • 5. Watch the colorful bubbles