21 Pins
Skitongifts Wall Decoration, Home Decor, Decoration Room Basic Ekg Ecg Rthythms - Canvas-20x30
Skitongifts Wall Decoration, Home Decor, Decoration Room Basic Ekg Ecg RthythmsAre you looking for a special gift for your family/friends/lover/yourself? This item is a great family gift idea! Our Designer Team has worked with all enthusiasm to create your gift of love. Makes a great gift for your family. Don't miss an opportunity to tell them that you love them! PERSONALIZED NAME/SIZE: Send us request to this item to create a more meaningful. Step up your boring blank walls with the standard wa
How to Read an EKG Rhythm Strip
Systematic approach to reading a rhythm strip
ECG - QRS Complex
Heart Blocks Made Easy - 1st, 2nd (Mobitz 1/Wenckebach & Mobitz 2), 3rd (Complete) | with ECGs