Spiral Hair-Case: Curly-Girl Inspiration

This board is dedicated to all my fellow naturally wavy & curly-girlies :) I'm especially focusing on chic, modern, unique, and exquisite curly cuts & coifs. PLEASE let your natural curls SHINE...put down that hot-iron, and toss that straightener...scrunch those coils, shake your head, and set them LOOSE on the world ;)
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Google Image Result for https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTk2OTE4NDg0OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODUzMjg3._V1_.jpg
✨Effortless Radiance ✨ Simple fresh faced Radiance featuring layered glow from Danessa Myricks Beauty . . Ti
4,966 curtidas, 50 comentários - julia konrad (@juliakonrad) no Instagram: “⚡️ @jucoutinho”
30 Stunning Black Beauty Bloggers Rocking Bold Lips with Dark Skin - BGLH Marketplace
Dark Skinned women have the unique advantage of arguably being able to pull off just about any and every shade of lipstick. There’s just something about bright lipstick playing against deep, …