
179 Pins
Easy Thai Chicken Salad With Canned Chicken
A quick and easy salad made with canned chicken and coleslaw mix. It's simple to prepare and made with budget friendly ingredients.
Keto Chinese Food: Takeout Guide & Recipes | Wholesome Yum
Keto Chinese Food: Takeout Guide & Recipes | Wholesome Yum
13 Best Keto Asian Recipe Ideas
You're on a keto diet and looking for delicious Asian takeout options, but most have added sugar and other high-carb ingredients. Fear not! These keto Asian recipe ideas will satisfy your cravings.
10 Keto Chinese Take-Out Recipes Made Easy
Why go for takeout, when you can make these popular recipes right in your own kitchen? This collection of some of the best Keto Asian recipes will help you discover new, low carb ways to enjoy all the bold and flavorful dishes that Asian cuisine is known for.
12 Easy Keto Asian Recipes
12 Easy Keto Asian Recipes to help with weight loss. Low Carb recipes to help stay in ketosis and lose weight whilst on a ketogenic diet. Which will be your new favorite?
Low Carbing Among Friends - Cabbage Wrapped Pork Pot Stickers Recipe by George Stella / StellaStyle.com Steamed pot stickers, or Asian dumplings, used to be one of my favorite Chinese food take-out indulgences. Traditionally wrapped in a white flour wonton skin, I’ve found that boiled cabbage leaves make for the perfect Good Carb reinvention of this truly great party food! P-I-N FOR LATER---> http://www.pinterest.com/pin/541557923913445122/ --------------------------------------------------- PrepTime 20min/Cook Time 10 min/Yield 16 pot stickers/Serves 8 Shopping List 1 medium head cabbage 1 pound lean ground pork 2 green onions, chopped 2 teaspoons sesame oil 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1⁄4 teaspoon ground ginger nonstick cooking spray 1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Wash and cut cabbage in half. Cut the core from each half of the cabbage by slicing it out in a triangular wedge. 2. Separate at least 16 of the large outer cabbage leaves from both halves, and then add to boiling water. (Save remaining raw cabbage for coleslaw or another meal.) Boil for 2 minutes, until cabbage is crisp-tender. Use a slotted spoon to transfer cooked cabbage to a plate of paper towels to drain. 3. Prepare the pot sticker filling by combining the ground pork, chopped green onions, sesame oil, soy sauce, and ground ginger in a large mixing bowl. Use your hands to mix well. 4. Place a large nonstick pan over medium-high heat and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Form the pork filling into thick oval patties about the shape and size of your thumb. 5. Place the filling patties into the pan and cook about 4 minutes on each side, until cutting into one shows no pink throughout. Depending on the size of your pan, you may need to cook patties in 2 batches. Serve cooked pork patties alongside leaves for your guests to wrap themselves, or wrap each individually, securing with toothpicks. George’s Tips | Pot stickers are almost always served alongside a sweet and tangy dipping sauce. Make one quick with 1⁄4 cup low-sodium soy sauce, 2 teaspoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, and 1⁄2 of a packet of sugar substitute. Variation | Though pork is more traditional, ground chicken or turkey can be substituted in its place. You can also skip wrapping the pot stickers and finely chop the cabbage raw, adding about 1⁄2 cup of it to the pork mixture. Form into balls and cook to make Asian Porcupine Meatballs. calories: 180|fat: 9g |protein: 17g| fiber: 2.5g |net carbs: 6g | Facebook
Check out the Amazon link in my bio and use code imwasim20 for 20% off sovereignsilver ! 🛒✨ Sovereign Silver is the best supplement for boosting... | By Jessica | Facebook
3.1M views · 186K reactions | Get my ebook with most popular recipes! Linked in my bio for you ❤️ LOW CARB DUMPLINGS!! 🥟 (Low calorie, high protein!!) Have you tried dumplings before? Save this recipe and share 🩷 All you need is: Cabbage leaves (I used Napa) Ground turkey Carrots Mushroom Green onion Salt/pepper Garlic powder Onion powder Ginger Tamari or soy sauce Sriracha Sugar free honey Avocado oil Sesame seeds You guys… I love dumplings and this is how I get to enjoy them living low carb lifestyle! You guys are going to be SO obsessed 😍 ___ ¡¡DUMPLINGS BAJOS EN CARBOHIDRATOS!! 🥟 (¡¡Bajo en calorías, alto en proteínas!!) ¿Has probado las albóndigas antes? Guarda esta receta y comparte Todo lo que necesitas es: Hojas de repollo (yo usé Napa) pavo molido Zanahorias Champiñón cebolla verde Sal/pimienta Polvo de ajo cebolla en polvo Jengibre Tamari o salsa de soja Sriracha Miel sin azúcar aceite de aguacate semillas de sésamo Chicos... ¡Me encantan los dumplings y así es como puedo disfrutarlos viviendo un estilo de vida bajo en carbohidratos! Ustedes van a estar TAN obsesionados 😍 | Mayra Wendolyne | Low Carb Love | Mia Amare · Take on Me
Keto Chinese Food
The best keto chinese food recipes that taste delicious. Most of these ketogenic chinese food recipes are simple and easy to make. #chinesefood
7.1K views · 9K reactions | 🍫 4 Minute Brownies ( Via @giorgiapaino ) INGREDIENTS: 2 apples 60gr cocoa powder 2 egg 1 tsp baking powder Optional: Chocolate chips Sweetener Combine all the ingredients in a food processor. Pour into a microwaveable container and cook at 900w for 4 minute. If needed add 1 more minute. 👋 Follow @deliciouseatsig_1m for delicious recipes daily. #AmericanEats #YummyYankee #StatesideSustenance #USKitchenDelights #FlavorsOfTheStates #USAFeasts #FoodieStarsAndStripes #TasteOfAmerica #USculinaryadventure #AmericanFlavorJourney | DeliciousEatsIG🥗🍛🍰 | deliciouseatsig_1m · Original audio