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This may contain: a person is holding a spoon over a bowl of mango custard with cheese on top
🥭Mousse de Mango🥭
Ingredientes: ✨1 y 1/2 de mango maduro ✨1/2 taza de yogurt griego ✨1/4 de taza de leche de coco ✨1 chorrito de extracto de vainilla ✨1 sobre de gelatina sin sabor
This may contain: carrot cake in a jar with the words porridge fro carrot cake
Porridge frío carrot cake
PORRIDGE FRÍO CARROT CAKE 🥕 ¡Hola hola Nuritfiteroos! Si os gustó la versión Cheesecake... esta locura no podía faltar 🤤 Y ya sabéis! Para los perezosos no hay excusas 🙆🏽‍♀️ Preparado por la noche y listo nada más levantarse para abrir y disfrutar 🤭 -INGREDIENTES (1p): • 200ml leche • 1 zanahoria pequeña rallada (50-60g) • 50g copos de avena • 1 cda (10g) semillas de chía • 1 cdita miel o sirope de agave • 1 cdita Canela • 1 pizca nuez moscada • Unas gotitas de vainilla (opcional) -TOPPINGS: • 1 cda grande (50g) queso untar • Un chorrito leche • 1 cdita miel o sirope de agave • Unas gotitas de vainilla • Zanahoria rallada, nueces, Canela... (extras) -PREPARACIÓN: • Mezclamos bien todos los ingredientes del porridge en un bol y pasamos a un bote de cristal con tap
This may contain: someone is holding a spoon over a dessert
Quinoa sabor Pay de Manzana
Instagram @lapurita.peru INGREDIENTES: 2 tazas de quinua cocida 2 tazas de leche de almendras 1 cdta de canela o más ( yo le hecho un poco más porque me encanta!! ) 1 manzana picada en cubitos 2 cdtas de extracto de vainilla pasas ( opcional - la cantidad que deseen ) Endulzante por si lo desean un poco más dulce. MANZANA ACANELADA 1 manzana en cubitos 1 1/2 cdta de canela 2 cdtas de panela 5 - 6 cdas de agua pizca de sal #receta #veganismo #applepie #quinua #applepieoats
Brioche rolls with blueberry filling! These gorgeous eggless Brioche rolls are tender and soft with a hint of lemon and blueberry flavored cream cheese filling. They are glazed with maple syrup for a shiny golden brown color instead of traditional egg wash.🫐🍋 ✨✨Comment “ Brioche “ or “ Recipe “ and I will send the link directly to your DMs.✨✨ #Brioche #egglessbrioche #blueberries #breadrecipe #egglessbaking #dairyfreerecipes #eggfreebaking
This may contain: there is a large pastry on the cutting board
Ingredients: 300g flour 100g sugar pinch of salt 20g fresh yeast 150ml milk 80g butter at room temperature 1 egg + 1 egg yolk 50g flour 40g Cocoa ✓to fill: Nutella ✓for brushing: 2 Table spoons of milk 1 egg. ✓Cover and let both doughs rise in a warm place for 1-2 hours. Roll out the light dough on a lightly floured surface - roll out the dark dough as well and place it on top ✓ Bake in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 35 minutes until golden brown.
🍒🧀 Deep-Fried Cherry Filled Cheesecake 🤤🔥
📝 Ingredients: • 1 cup cream cheese 🥄 • ¼ cup sugar 🍯 • ½ tsp vanilla extract 🌸 • ½ cup cherry pie filling 🍒 • 1 cup crushed graham crackers 🍪 • 1 egg, beaten 🥚 • ½ cup flour 🌾 • ½ cup breadcrumbs 🍞 • Oil for frying 🛢️ 👨‍🍳 Directions: 1️⃣ Mix cream cheese, sugar & vanilla. Fold in cherry filling. 2️⃣ Form into small balls, freeze for 1 hour. 3️⃣ Coat in flour, egg & breadcrumbs. 4️⃣ Fry until golden & enjoy! #FriedCheesecake #CherryDelight #CrispyTreat