For our future ducks

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White Patches on Ducks | The Happy Chicken Coop
Have you noticed some new white spots on your ducks? While they aren’t always a cause for concern, they can signify various medical conditions. Check out our article about white patches on ducks.
This contains: My ducks really don’t mind snow most of the time, but they really dislike any changes to their envir
My ducks really don’t mind snow most of the time, but they really dislike any changes to their envir
My ducks really don’t mind snow most of the time, but they really dislike any changes to their environment. Once they get used to the snow being around they will play in it like it’s water😂 (except when it’s windy, then they stay in their coop usually) #DunkinDucks #Ducks #CallDucks #PetDucks #FarmAnimals #Snow #BackyardDucks
Be CONSISTENT.   • Pin him down right after he charges.   • Flip him on his back  • Have gentle hands  • Stay there for 2 minutes or until he submits.
How to train your drake to not be aggressive/territorial.
Be CONSISTENT. • Pin him down right after he charges. • Flip him on his back • Have gentle hands • Stay there for 2 minutes or until he submits.
This may contain: a duck with its mouth open standing next to a fence
This is true for all mallard derived & domestic breeds of ducks💕🦆
This may contain: two dogs on leashes are walking down the street with words written above them that read toast and hash brown are training to go on walks
So far they always walk straight back to the other ducks 🦆
Training a duck to walk on a leash isn’t a simple task, and not every duck is cut out for it. • Start by putting the harness on for just a few minutes a day • Allow your duck to walk around in their pen or yard while wearing the harness • Attach the leash to the harness, but give the duck the freedom of walking wherever they chose • Finally, when they are comfortable wearing the harness and leash you can train them to walk by your side by rewarding them with treats. Some ducks will naturally follow you but others take some training Out of all of my ducks, only 3 are good candidates for walking on a harness. Please respect your ducks and only train them if they completely trust you already. Throwing a harness on a duck that isn’t already comfortable around humans will only make th
This may contain: a bird that is sitting on someone's hand in front of some bags of food
A day in the life of my miniature pet duck
Munchkin met so many kind people today too🥰🦆
Why Do Ducks Bite? Everything You Need to Know
Have you ever walked into a coop and been greeted with a duck bite? If this concerns you, learn why do ducks bite and how you can stop this behavior!
What's the best bedding for your duck coop or run?
What's the best bedding for your duck coop? #backyardducks #petducks #pamperedpoultry #ducks #tyrantfarms