On Purpose Project

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Most excuses for delaying childbearing are selfishness
Most excuses for delaying #parenthood are usually nothing more than self-serving . Don't be fooled!
Amalgamation of individual parts
The world is so much more than a mere amalgamation of individual parts - it is a complex and beautiful mosaic with a profound meaning beyond its constituent elements.
Study Scripture & history
Studying scripture and history teaches us invaluable lessons that can shape our perspectives today and in the future
I wish I would NOT have waited to have kids
Paraphrase of James 4
Don't forego having children for selfishness
Let's not forget the true joy and blessing of children! Having a family is a priceless gift from God that shouldn't be forsaken for selfish gain.
Our society hates children
What do you guys think of this premise? Let me know down below!
Psalm 1:27 3-5
Correction: Psalm 127:3-5 ...lol
The sacrificial system points to Jesus
The Old Testament sacrificial system was hard, but it was God's way of preparing us and preparing the way for Jesus' life-saving atonement. #JesusSaves #GraceAndMercy
Sinning against an infinite God
The smallest of sins against an infinite God still deserve an infinite punishment, which is why the Gospel is so necessary. It's a reminder that, through Jesus, we have the opportunity to be reconciled to our Heavenly Father. #Gospel #Redemption #Grace
Works don't fix brokenness
No amount of good works can compensate for our imperfections before a holy and perfect God. But there is One who is able to provide us with a perfect and eternal solution-Jesus Christ and His sacrificial blood #onlybygrace #redeemedbychrist #forgiveninlove