Silver Anniversary Photo Shoot

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성북송재와 함께 했던 두번째 한옥한복웨딩! The second hanbok wedding in a hanok with Seongbuk Songjae! 두번째 한복착장도 진한색감의 한복과 한옥이 어우러져 표현되는 컬러감이 넘 마음에 들었는데요:) 한국적인 멋이 느껴지는 웨딩도 더 많이 연구해보고 싶어졌던 촬영이었어요. 예쁜 한복과 예쁘게 표현해주신 헤어메이크업쌤들 감사해요! I also really liked the colors expressed by the combination of the dark-colored hanbok and hanok in the second hanbok photo shoot. It was a photoshoot that made me want to research more about weddings with a sense of Korean beauty. Thank you to the hanbok artists and hair and makeup a...