Grade 1

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This may contain: a person writing on a white board with a marker
Developing Fine Motor Skills with Pre-Writing Stroke Practice
Activity Highlights: 1. Write pre-writing strokes on a dry erase board and let children erase them using Q-tips. 2. Gradually increase difficulty to improve fine motor skills necessary for future letter formation. Benefits: • Encourages hand-eye coordination. • Strengthens grip and control. • Lays the foundation for writing readiness. Credits: Special thanks to @waymorethanplay for this innovative approach to early writing development.
Apple Themed Preschool Activities
Apples are one of my favorite themes for back to school and fall! Kids love all the hands-on activities you can do with apples! Here are my favorite apple themed journal activities for preschoolers and toddlers. These learning journal activities are perfect for teaching letter recognition, color words, graphing, beginning sounds, number recognition, addition, and apple taste testing. These journal activities are perfect for preschool homeschool, and at home learning with toddlers.
How to Start a Learning Journal for Your Kindergartener
Create a preschool journal at home with these activities, ideas, and tips. If you’re a homeschool mom or preschool mom looking for simple ways to learn at home, start a learning journal. Here you’ll learn what a learning journal is, how to start a learning journal with your child, and my favorite supplies for learning journals. Learn how I use learning journals to practice literacy and math skills using simple, DIY journal activities for preschool, toddlers, and elementary children here.
400K views · 8.3K reactions | Sometimes our readers need to experience feeling and sounding like a fluent reader. Repeating each line of a "fluency pyramid" can really help to build their confidence. Just take a simple sentence made of words your child can already read, start with one word at the top and add a word to each line. #Fluency #toddlerscanread #readingstrategies #parentsteachingreading | Toddlers CAN Read
Handwriting Results Show Importance of Child's Fine Motor Skills Development - Integrated Learning Strategies
What Your Child's Handwriting and Fine Motor Skills Tell You |