Mayan, Incans and Aztecs

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Masks of Mexico to Color | Temple of the Jaguar at the Mayan Ruins in Tikal, Guatemala.
Mayan Relic - Smart Kids Worksheets
Mayan Craft - Use paper or styrofoam plates and permanent markers to design your own Mayan relic!
Ancient Mayan Civilization PowerPoint Presentation Bundle
Mayan History PowerPoint Presentation- Keepers of time, architectural wonders, a people so mysterious that much of their history has been shrouded by the rainforest. Who were they, and where did they go? This presentation includes several class discussions, writing opportunities, and practice test questions. It is a fabulous addition to your unit on Ancient America. Common Core Standards RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.5, RH.6-8.7, WHST.6-8.10, SL.7.2, SL.7.1 $
10 Unknown Facts About the Mayans that Will Suprise You | Les Listes
There are still a lot of things not know about the mysterious Mayan civilization. With that in mind, check out 10 unknown facts about the Mayans. #Mayans