Stitched Shibori Inspiration

Examples of traditional stitched shibori aesthetic crafts to inspire my hand sewing shibori projects.
36 Pins
How to Shibori Workshops - Townhill Studio
You can learn these wonderful stitches on my upcoming Zoom workshops. For just 8 people, to ensure a friendly, chatty session with you getting lots of teaching and direction for your shibori. Explore how to shibori with likeminded people. Learn the 5 principle shibori stitches. You will learn these shibori techniques and be helped to design and sew some striking patterns.
Stitched Shibori Inspiration. Step by Step Blogs to Help You Create
A blog full of ideas and detailed how to instructions for shibori sewing, Be inspired to learn many interesting stitched shibori techniques. Follow Annabel Wilson's clear step by step instructions. She is an experienced shibori artist and loves helping others create with shibori.
6 superb ways to make shibori circles.
A blog full of ideas and detailed how to instructions for shibori sewing. A sophisticated tie-dye pattern to inspire you to create with shibori. Explore a new craft. Step by step shibori sewing explained. Step by step photos and instructions to help you create your own textiles through shibori stitch resist techniques. “Just wanted to thank you, Annabel, for your generous posts and blogs. I am new to Shibori, and your guidance has been so incredibly helpful.”
Be Inspired You to Create With Shibori
A blog full of ideas and detailed how to instructions for shibori sewing, Be inspired to learn many interesting stitched shibori techniques. Follow Annabel Wilson's clear step by step instructions. She is an experienced shibori artist and loves helping others create with shibori.
5 Superb Shibori Design Ideas
A blog containing lots of shibori inspiration describing a workshop by Annabel Wilson of Townhill Studio. Some lovely images to motivate you to create. Discover more about shibori and DIY. Be enthused to try your hand at this Japanese craft. Annabel is an experienced shibori artist and loves helping others create with shibori.
5 Superb Stitched Shibori Design Ideas
A blog containing lots of shibori inspiration describing a workshop by Annabel Wilson of Townhill Studio. Some lovely images to motivate you to create. Discover more about shibori and DIY. Be enthused to try your hand at this Japanese craft. Annabel is an experienced shibori artist and loves helping others create with shibori.
World Shibori Network
WSN Member and shibori artist extraordinaire Carol Anne Grotrian is offering a chance to explore the world of indigo and shibori, this summer at Prochemical & Dye, MA.Workshop: Shibori and Indi…
Shibori PDF Sewing Pattern - Scallop Shell - by Townhill Studio
Be inspired to make this shibori shell. Annabel of Townhill Studio is an experienced shibori artist and loves helping others create with shibori. Buy this step by step pattern to sew and make this stunning shibori scallop shell. Explore learning a new craft. The pattern gives you clear instructions.
Step by Step Guide to Make a Shibori Salmon Design
A blog full of ideas and detailed how to instructions for shibori sewing. A sophisticated tie-dye pattern to inspire you to create with shibori. Explore a new craft. Step by step shibori sewing explained. Step by step photos and instructions to help you create your own nature inspired textiles through shibori stitch resist techniques. “Just wanted to thank you, Annabel, for your generous posts and blogs. I am new to Shibori, and your guidance has been so incredibly helpful.”
Be Inspired to make your own stunning shibori quilt.
A blog with inspiration for using shibori fabrics to create a stunning quilt. This beautiful quilt made by Miranda Morfey uses some of Townhill Studios patterns. Some lovely images to motivate you to create stitched shibori pattern ideas. Discover more about shibori techniques. Be enthused to try your hand at this Japanese craft.