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TPT on Instagram: "In this video, @artoffunology on IG goes over four strategies you can share with your students to help them find factors. Have you tried any of these before? #mathteacher #upperelementarymath #mathtips #mathstrategies"
6.3K views · 657 reactions | Start here👇 ✨Counting strategies✨ This could include using a number line or using the counting on strategy. There are different stages to math fact mastery. And the first stage is using counting strategies. If a student is struggling with fact fluency, make sure they’ve got counting strategies down. And then you can move on to more reasoning/mental strategies. To help these students master counting strategies I like to have intervention lessons with small groups. I teach a mini lesson and then give students practice with these task cards. Want to learn more about the stages of math fact mastery and how to help your students move through those stages? I have a blog post all about it. 😊 👉Comment “stages” and I’ll send it over for you to read. I’ll also share where to find my bundle with all my math fact strategy task cards. These also include slides and lesson plans to guide you through teaching these strategies effectively. 🙌 | Kaylee Bisby | 2nd Grade
6.3K views · 657 reactions | Start here👇 ✨Counting strategies✨ This could include using a number line or using the counting on strategy. There are different stages to math fact mastery. And the first stage is using counting strategies. If a student is struggling with fact fluency, make sure they’ve got counting strategies down. And then you can move on to more reasoning/mental strategies. To help these students master counting strategies I like to have intervention lessons with small groups. I teach a mini lesson and then give students practice with these task cards. Want to learn more about the stages of math fact mastery and how to help your students move through those stages? I have a blog post all about it. 😊 👉Comment “stages” and I’ll send it over for you to read. I’ll al
Two Step Word Problems: How to Best Teach Them With Addition and Subtraction Equations - Teaching with Kaylee B
Two Step Word Problems: How to Best Teach Them With Addition and Subtraction Equations - Teaching with Kaylee B