Rotations of 123, 245, 367, 489 (terms differ by 122) juxtaposed with the product of their last 2 digits. See example line.
1236, 3122, 2313, 24520, 5248, 45210, 36742, 73618, 67321, 48972
a(1) = 1236 because we can write 123 juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 2*3=6.
a(2) = 3122 because we can write 312 (counterclockwise rotation of 123) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 1*2=2.
a(3) = 2313 because we can write 231 (counterclockwise rotation of 312) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 3*1=3.
Once finished '123' rotations:
a(4) = 24520 because we can write 245 (123+122) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 4*5=20.
a(5) = 5248 because we can write 524 (counterclockwise rotation of 245) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 2*4=8.
a(6) = 45210 because we can write 452 (counterclockwise rotation of 524) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 5*2=10.
Once finished '245' rotations:
a(7) = 36742 because we can write 367 (245+122) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 6*7=42
a(8) = 73618 because we can write 736 (counterclockwise rotation of 367) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 3*6=18.
a(9) = 67321 because we can write 673 (counterclockwise rotation of 736) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 7*3=21.
Once finished '367' rotations:
a(10) = 48972 because we can write 489 (367+122) juxtaposed with the product of its last 2 digits: 8*9=72.
Sequence in context: A279204 A091332 A210515 * A179913 A161868 A145047
Herman Jamke (hermanjamke(AT)fastmail.fm), Oct 15 2006