Primes of the form p + (product of digits of p), where p is a prime.

%I #13 Sep 21 2019 14:35:15

%S 29,47,67,101,103,107,109,181,251,293,307,331,347,401,409,431,443,457,

%T 491,503,509,547,593,601,607,631,653,659,673,701,709,743,809,823,827,

%U 839,907,929,971,977,1009,1013,1019,1021,1031,1033,1039,1049,1051,1061,1063,1069,1087,1091

%N Primes of the form p + (product of digits of p), where p is a prime.

%C Primes generated by A157677.

%H Robert Israel, <a href="/A225303/b225303.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%e 29 is in the list since 29 = 23 + (2*3).

%p f:= proc(n) local L,v;

%p if not isprime(n) then return NULL fi;

%p L:= convert(n,base,10);

%p if member(0,L) then return n fi;

%p v:= n + convert(L,`*`);

%p if isprime(v) then v else NULL fi

%p end proc:

%p N:= 2000: # to get all terms <= N

%p S:= {}:

%p for n from 3 by 2 to N do

%p v:= f(n);

%p if v <> NULL and v <= N then S:= S union {v} fi;

%p od:

%p sort(convert(S,list));# _Robert Israel_, Jun 25 2019

%t Sort[DeleteDuplicates[Select[Table[p=Prime[n]; p+Times@@IntegerDigits[p], {n,175}],PrimeQ]]]

%t Select[Table[p+Times@@IntegerDigits[p],{p,Prime[Range[ 200]]}], PrimeQ]// Union (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Sep 21 2019 *)

%Y Cf. A157677.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Jayanta Basu_, May 05 2013

%E 1049,1051,1061,1063,1069 and 1087 inserted by _Robert Israel_, Jun 25 2019