Papers by Wayne Mackintosh
The Open Education Resource (OER) movement shows considerable potential to reduce cost, improve q... more The Open Education Resource (OER) movement shows considerable potential to reduce cost, improve quality and widen access to educational opportunities. Facilitated by the power of social software in a connected world as evidenced by the phenomenal success of the ...
National NADEOSA Conference: 1st, 1999, Pretoria …, Jan 1, 2009
VOCED is a large, free, web-based international database of abstracts on vocational education and... more VOCED is a large, free, web-based international database of abstracts on vocational education and training research, policy and practice. It is produced by Australia's National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), via a national clearinghouse network, and is endorsed ...
Keynote address, e-Fest. Thinking Together, Jan 1, 2004
Global perspectives on e-learning: rhetoric and …, Jan 1, 2005
■ THIRTEEN■ CAN YOU LEAD FROM BEH1ND? Critical Reflections on the Rhetoric of E-Learning, Open Di... more ■ THIRTEEN■ CAN YOU LEAD FROM BEH1ND? Critical Reflections on the Rhetoric of E-Learning, Open Distance Learning, and lCTs for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Wayne Mackintosh You cannot be part of the global village by just sitting and ...
Papers by Wayne Mackintosh