last update: 2025-03-17

About Me

I don't often say or do that much online, but I'm usually about.I like languages quite a lot, though this doesn't make me any better or more knowledgeable when it comes to language learning. Shockingly, my best language is my native language, English. Everything else varies: Arabic, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Turkish, Welsh.I program fairly often and I daily drive Arch Linux with i3wm. I mostly program in C++, but I can use a variety of languages pretty well. I use VSCode, I refuse to use Vim, I've used Visual Studio but don't find it necessary for the majority of my programing.

If you're into signs, MBTI, the Big Five(OCEAN), or the Enneagram, luckily, I'm a very bored person:
Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Aries Rising; INTP; RLUAI; 5w6


        I got a new job with more hours a week or two ago, so I've been busier. I don't particularly like working there, but I don't hate it either—I get told to do things and then I do them, pretty simple.
        I think my co-workers don't particularly like me. I'm not very sociable and am very boring, especially if I’m not familiar with the person. I really don’t mind any of them though. I just gotta learn each person better (their preferences, expectations, relationship dynamics), otherwise I kinda just float around and mutter “yeah, true,” like a jackass.

     Today’s the last day of the year. In some ways that means nothing to me—but in others, it seems very exciting (and scary). It's a kind of reset, a hope for a better you, but it's also a period of potential unknown change.
     Frankly, this year has been a rather bad one. I've been tanked mentally. February was the worst of it though, I wouldn't want to get into it “publicly,” but I was fucked up. My self-image similarly tanked throughout the year. Though it hasn't all been bad: I learned a little bit about how I need to manage time and tasks, and I've explored a little bit more about myself.     When it comes to managing life, I found out something important: I need structure, and I need to be constantly reminded of the structure. I use a reminder system with triple redundancy, and I use a timekeeping system without redundancy.     I hope that the new year holds a better future; A future where I’m closer with people, more comfortable and in tune with myself, stable, and happy—I think all one should ever hope to be is happy.

        I've fallen off the language learning horse a little (even mainstays like Japanese). I still like language, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to study as often as I used to. It's to the point where for some languages I've practically forgotten them (Arabic, Hebrew, Welsh). Whenever, if ever, I get back in the roll of things, I should start every language from scratch (which includes remaking every flash card).