The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the ... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the normal average stock retrun around the outside of Rahmadhan 2016 and to determine whether there is a significant difference in the average before and during Ramadan. In this study using sekuder data. The results of analysis performed on 30 companies belonging to the JII, which began on May 17, 2016 to June 25, 2016. In this study using the test tool of analysis used two different test average -average (paired). The results of the study will direct the execution Rahmadhan 2016 has little impact seen from the results of the data analysis obtained by value t count amounted to 2,193 bigger than t-table at 1.73961 with a probability value of less than 0.05, then a decision could be taken Ho accepted. whereas for the period before and after the implementation Rahmadhan seen from the results of the data analysis process described above, obtained arithmetic t value of 3601 is greater than t-table at 1.73961 with a probability value of less than 0.05, then a decision can be taken Ho accepted, meaning there is no significant difference in the average abnormal return before the date of execution after Rahamadhan.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the ... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the normal average stock retrun around the outside of Rahmadhan 2016 and to determine whether there is a significant difference in the average before and during Ramadan. In this study using sekuder data. The results of analysis performed on 30 companies belonging to the JII, which began on May 17, 2016 to June 25, 2016. In this study using the test tool of analysis used two different test average -average (paired). The results of the study will direct the execution Rahmadhan 2016 has little impact seen from the results of the data analysis obtained by value t count amounted to 2,193 bigger than t-table at 1.73961 with a probability value of less than 0.05, then a decision could be taken Ho accepted. whereas for the period before and after the implementation Rahmadhan seen from the results of the data analysis process described above, obtained arithmetic t value of 3601 is greater than t-table at 1.73961 with a probability value of less than 0.05, then a decision can be taken Ho accepted, meaning there is no significant difference in the average abnormal return before the date of execution after Rahamadhan.
Dalam Artikel ini membahas tetang Corporet Internet Sustability Reporting yang mana dalam konsep... more Dalam Artikel ini membahas tetang Corporet Internet Sustability Reporting yang mana dalam konsep penerapan dan membahsa mengenai Corporete Social Responsibilty diIndonesia secara mandatori maupun volantori dari hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahwa perkembanga Internet Suntanbility Report di Indonesia. Masih belum diterapkan sepenuhnya dari konsep konsep teori diatas sebenarnya menerang bahwa kewajiban perusahaan menurut aturan G4 yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga GRI Harus menerapkan Laporan Bekelanjutan di Internet.Walapun secara Undang – Undang maupun aturan sudah harus menjalankan. Tetapi banyak Perusahaan Belum menjalakan dikarena alasan yang belum diketahui.
Konsep Balanced scorecard adalah pendekatan terhadap strategi manajemen yang dikembangkan oleh Ro... more Konsep Balanced scorecard adalah pendekatan terhadap strategi manajemen yang dikembangkan oleh Robert Kaplan (Harvard Business School) dan David Norton pada awal tahun 1990. Balanced scorecard berasal dari dua kata yaitu balanced (berimbang) dan scorecard (kartu skor).
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the ... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the normal average stock retrun around the outside of Rahmadhan 2016 and to determine whether there is a significant difference in the average before and during Ramadan. In this study using sekuder data. The results of analysis performed on 30 companies belonging to the JII, which began on May 17, 2016 to June 25, 2016. In this study using the test tool of analysis used two different test average -average (paired). The results of the study will direct the execution Rahmadhan 2016 has little impact seen from the results of the data analysis obtained by value t count amounted to 2,193 bigger than t-table at 1.73961 with a probability value of less than 0.05, then a decision could be taken Ho accepted. whereas for the period before and after the implementation Rahmadhan seen from the results of the data analysis process described above, obtained arithmetic t value of 3601 is greater than t-table at 1.73961 with a probability value of less than 0.05, then a decision can be taken Ho accepted, meaning there is no significant difference in the average abnormal return before the date of execution after Rahamadhan.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the ... more The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the normal average stock retrun around the outside of Rahmadhan 2016 and to determine whether there is a significant difference in the average before and during Ramadan. In this study using sekuder data. The results of analysis performed on 30 companies belonging to the JII, which began on May 17, 2016 to June 25, 2016. In this study using the test tool of analysis used two different test average -average (paired). The results of the study will direct the execution Rahmadhan 2016 has little impact seen from the results of the data analysis obtained by value t count amounted to 2,193 bigger than t-table at 1.73961 with a probability value of less than 0.05, then a decision could be taken Ho accepted. whereas for the period before and after the implementation Rahmadhan seen from the results of the data analysis process described above, obtained arithmetic t value of 3601 is greater than t-table at 1.73961 with a probability value of less than 0.05, then a decision can be taken Ho accepted, meaning there is no significant difference in the average abnormal return before the date of execution after Rahamadhan.
Dalam Artikel ini membahas tetang Corporet Internet Sustability Reporting yang mana dalam konsep... more Dalam Artikel ini membahas tetang Corporet Internet Sustability Reporting yang mana dalam konsep penerapan dan membahsa mengenai Corporete Social Responsibilty diIndonesia secara mandatori maupun volantori dari hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahwa perkembanga Internet Suntanbility Report di Indonesia. Masih belum diterapkan sepenuhnya dari konsep konsep teori diatas sebenarnya menerang bahwa kewajiban perusahaan menurut aturan G4 yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga GRI Harus menerapkan Laporan Bekelanjutan di Internet.Walapun secara Undang – Undang maupun aturan sudah harus menjalankan. Tetapi banyak Perusahaan Belum menjalakan dikarena alasan yang belum diketahui.
Konsep Balanced scorecard adalah pendekatan terhadap strategi manajemen yang dikembangkan oleh Ro... more Konsep Balanced scorecard adalah pendekatan terhadap strategi manajemen yang dikembangkan oleh Robert Kaplan (Harvard Business School) dan David Norton pada awal tahun 1990. Balanced scorecard berasal dari dua kata yaitu balanced (berimbang) dan scorecard (kartu skor).
Papers by Nanang Asfufi