Papers by Marko Katalinic
Ships and Offshore Structures, Feb 19, 2021
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to include a spatial statistical correlation between sea sta... more ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to include a spatial statistical correlation between sea states that ship encounters during a voyage to improve wave scatter diagram for the analysis of ship structures. The methodology consists of computation of system reliability of a series of partially correlated events, representing sea states that ship encounters along the sailing route. The North Atlantic wave scatter diagram is modified to account for such spatial correlation and new scatter diagrams for partially correlated sea states are constructed. Based on such “correlated scatter diagrams”, long-term distribution of vertical wave bending moments is performed and compared to the results following from an “uncorrelated scatter diagram”. It was found that a spatial correlation may considerably reduce extreme vertical wave bending moments. Verification of the methodology is performed by simulating shipping route in the North Atlantic using ERA5 wave database.
Ocean Engineering, Jun 1, 2018
Based on a database of sea state parameters in the Adriatic Sea, wave statistics has been develop... more Based on a database of sea state parameters in the Adriatic Sea, wave statistics has been developed at three different geographic locations along the busy Adriatic shipping route. The underlying database consists of a systematic numerical hindcast calibrated by 24-year satellite measurements and represents the most comprehensive data source of wave parameters available for the region. Joint probability distributions of significant wave heights and peak spectral periods are derived, thus enabling extreme sea states to be determined. Furthermore, waves have been evaluated with respect to the well-known dominant wind patterns in the Adriatic and compared to the Tabain's spectrum, a single parametric spectral description developed for local conditions and widely used in engineering practice. Statistics for three geographical locations are compared with one another as well as with data from other available references. These long-term statistics and regression equations developed can be used not only for fatigue and extreme wave loads of ships, offshore installations and renewable energy devices intended for the Adriatic Sea, but also for planning and carrying out various marine operations in that specific environment. At the end of the study, some consideration is given to the effects of climate changes on the variability of sea states in the Adriatic.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, May 12, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Ocean Engineering, Dec 1, 2022
Ship manoeuvring in heavy seas is procedure that can greatly affect ship safety. There was always... more Ship manoeuvring in heavy seas is procedure that can greatly affect ship safety. There was always a need to provide safe navigation route which reduces wave induced loads on ship construction and also affects transport cost and economy. Merchant ship manoeuvring in heavy seas is usually approached with mathematical methods of problem troubleshooting trough seakeeping validations of the ships. This paper is based on seafarers’ view of the merchant ship manoeuvrability problem in heavy seas and describes interaction between mathematical calculations and real life decisions making. Research is made amongst experienced seafarers with additional questionnaire whose results are shown in this paper and are compared to previous seakeeping calculations. The aim is better seakeeping performances of the ships with final goal of better safety of the ships and seafarers.
The study describes the framework for risk calculation of post-accidental salvage operation of da... more The study describes the framework for risk calculation of post-accidental salvage operation of damaged double-hull tanker in the Adriatic Sea. The principal failure mode driving the presented risk assessment is the ship hull girder collapse, representing one of the most unfavorable outcomes of a ship accident. Risk of such an event depends on the hull girder probability of failure and the cost of its consequences. Risk assessment is performed by employing shortterm ship structural reliability analysis for the failure probability calculation and available models for estimating cost of an oil spill, as the most important consequence of ship hull girder collapse. The risk of the hull girder failure of damaged tanker, expressed in monetary units is compared with the initial cost of the oil spill, which may occur after a collision accident in which the inner hull is damaged. It was found that the risk of hull girder collapse of damaged ship during towing in the Adriatic Sea is negligible, despite huge economic loss that could occur. That is the consequence of the mild sea environment where hull girder failure probability of damaged ship is rather low.
Rad daje pregled klimatski prilika, poglavito vjetra i vjetrovnih valova, na Jadranskom moru na t... more Rad daje pregled klimatski prilika, poglavito vjetra i vjetrovnih valova, na Jadranskom moru na temelju podataka dostupnih u strucnoj literaturi. Smjesten centralno u sjevernom dijelu Mediteranskog mora Jadran ima specificnu klimu s obzirom da je omeđen kopnom s tri strane te smjesten između dva parelelna planinska masiva (Apenini i Dinaridi). Dvije dominante klimatske pojave, vjetrovi bure i juga, posebno su razmatrani. Jadransko more strateski je važan resurs okolnim zemljama u podrucjima brodogradnje, pomorstva, eskploatacije zaliha fosilinih goriva, nautickog turizma, marikulture i ribarstva, te eventualno kao obnovljivi izvor energije. Informacije o klimatskim prilikama mogu služiti u svrhu planiranja i upravljanja u istima.
Rad daje pregled klimatski prilika, poglavito vjetra i vjetrovnih valova, na Jadranskom moru na t... more Rad daje pregled klimatski prilika, poglavito vjetra i vjetrovnih valova, na Jadranskom moru na temelju podataka dostupnih u stručnoj literaturi. Smješten centralno u sjevernom dijelu Mediteranskog mora Jadran ima specifičnu klimu s obzirom da je omeđen kopnom s tri strane te smješten između dva parelelna planinska masiva (Apenini i Dinaridi). Dvije dominante klimatske pojave, vjetrovi bure i juga, posebno su razmatrani. Jadransko more strateški je važan resurs okolnim zemljama u područjima brodogradnje, pomorstva, eskploatacije zaliha fosilinih goriva, nautičkog turizma, marikulture i ribarstva, te eventualno kao obnovljivi izvor energije. Informacije o klimatskim prilikama mogu služiti u svrhu planiranja i upravljanja u istima.
Annual of Navigation, Jun 1, 2014
This paper presents operability guidelines for seafarers on a product tanker which navigates in t... more This paper presents operability guidelines for seafarers on a product tanker which navigates in the Adriatic Sea during heavy weather. Tanker route starts from the Otranto strait in the south to the island Krk in the north of Adriatic Sea. Heavy weather is caused by south wind called jugo (blowing from E-SE to SS-E, sirocco family). Operability guidelines are given based on an operability criteria platform for presenting ship seakeeping characteristics. Operability criteria considered in this paper are propeller emergence, deck wetness and bow acceleration of a product tanker. Limiting values of mentioned criteria determine sustainable speed. Heavy weather is described by extreme sea state of 7.5 m wave height. Wave spectrum used in this paper is Tabain spectrum which is developed specifically for Adriatic Sea. Seafarer's approach of decisions making in extreme weather is also shown and servers as a guideline for further research of the authors.
CRC Press eBooks, Sep 30, 2014
The study aims to determine mean annual wave heights and wind speeds in the Adriatic Sea. The Adr... more The study aims to determine mean annual wave heights and wind speeds in the Adriatic Sea. The Adriatic serves as a shipping route towards central Europe and a food and energy source for surrounding countries. Wave and wind climate information can serve as basis for design, research and policy making regarding ship safety and operability, potential renewable energy exploitation, design of offshore installation etc. Mean annual wave height and wind speed values have been statically derived based on 43,274 ship sea state observations reported by the Hydrographical Institute of Republic of Croatia. This data has been digitalized and processed resulting in mean annual observed wave heights and corresponding wind speed values. Calm sea and no wind time percent periods have been calculated and wind-speedto-wave-height correlations presented. The obtained results are discussed for accuracy, significant effects are listed and future work guidelines are given.
Naše More (Dubrovnik), Mar 1, 2020
The wave spectrum provides a short-term sea state description that is used for calculations in va... more The wave spectrum provides a short-term sea state description that is used for calculations in various engineering disciplines. Accepted theoretical models are developed for oceans and specific regions and their parameters are determined to best fit the data which is usually gathered in dedicated wave measurement campaigns. Modern numerical wave model simulations of historic periods that are calibrated with available satellite altimetry measurements provide a new data source that is comprehensive in space and time. One such dataset, the WorldWaves database, is used to revise and optimize the standard wave spectrum parameters for the Adriatic Sea. Tabain's, wave spectrum and its modal frequency relation are revised. An optimization methodology is developed to find the parameters to best describe the Adriatic Sea waves. Ultimately, the JONSWAP wave spectrum is chosen and its parameters were optimized together with the parameters of Tabain's modal frequency relation. An improved wave spectrum definition for the Adriatic Sea is proposed named the JONSWAP-Adriatic wave spectrum. Sažetak Spektri valova predstavljaju kratkoročni opis stanja mora koji se koristi u proračunima u različitim inženjerskim disciplinama. Prihvaćeni teoretski modeli su razvijeni za oceane i specifične akvatorije, a njihovi parametri su određeni kako bi najbolje odgovarali podacima koji su obično prikupljeni mjerenjima valova. Simulacije povijesnih razdoblja primjenom modernih numeričkih modela valova, dodatno kalibrirani raspoloživim mjerenjima satelitskom altimetrijom, predstavljaju novi izvor podataka, koji je sustavan i prostorno i vremenski. Jedna takva baza podataka, WorldWaves, je iskorištena kako bi se revidirali i optimizirali parametri spektra valova za Jadransko more. Revidirani su Tabainov spektar valova i njegov izraz za modalnu frekvenciju. Finalno je odabran JONSWAP spektar valova te su njegovi parametri optimizirani zajedno s parametrima Tabainovog izraza za modalnu frekvenciju. Predložena je poboljšana definicija spektra valova za Jadransko more pod nazivom JONSWAP-Adriatic spektar valova. KEY WORDS wave spectrum peak frequency Adriatic Sea parameter optimization KLJUČNE RIJEČI spektar valova vršna frekvencija Jadransko more optimizacija parametra
CRC Press eBooks, May 12, 2022
Applied Sciences
The Ship’s Digital Twin (SDT) is a digital record of a ship’s behaviour or a software clone, whic... more The Ship’s Digital Twin (SDT) is a digital record of a ship’s behaviour or a software clone, which can be used to simulate scenarios that are expensive or hardly feasible to perform on a real object and especially in real time. The purpose of the SDT is to achieve cost reduction, obtain timely warnings of irregularities, and optimise individual ship system performances or the operation of the whole ship and to assist ship management. The aim of this paper is to describe the concept of the SDT and clarify some perplexities that may occur from initial introduction to concept. To that end, the paper identifies the steps in the SDT formulation process and methods used in each step of the process. Furthermore, a four-step iterative procedure for the SDT development is proposed. The applications of the concept are numerous, and some of them are presented in a review analysis in this paper. The presented analysis leads to a conclusion that should give some direction to future research in t...
Rad daje pregled klimatski prilika, poglavito vjetra i vjetrovnih valova, na Jadranskom moru na t... more Rad daje pregled klimatski prilika, poglavito vjetra i vjetrovnih valova, na Jadranskom moru na temelju podataka dostupnih u strucnoj literaturi. Smjesten centralno u sjevernom dijelu Mediteranskog mora Jadran ima specificnu klimu s obzirom da je omeđen kopnom s tri strane te smjesten između dva parelelna planinska masiva (Apenini i Dinaridi). Dvije dominante klimatske pojave, vjetrovi bure i juga, posebno su razmatrani. Jadransko more strateski je važan resurs okolnim zemljama u podrucjima brodogradnje, pomorstva, eskploatacije zaliha fosilinih goriva, nautickog turizma, marikulture i ribarstva, te eventualno kao obnovljivi izvor energije. Informacije o klimatskim prilikama mogu služiti u svrhu planiranja i upravljanja u istima.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021
The method for the prediction of extreme vertical wave bending moments on a passenger ship based ... more The method for the prediction of extreme vertical wave bending moments on a passenger ship based on the hindcast database along the shipping route is presented. Operability analysis is performed to identify sea states when the ship is not able to normally operate and which are likely to be avoided. Closed-form expressions are used for the calculation of transfer functions of ship motions and loads. Multiple operability criteria are used and compared to the corresponding limiting values. The most probable extreme wave bending moments for the short-term sea states at discrete locations along the shipping route are calculated, and annual maximum extreme values are determined. Gumbel probability distribution is then fitted to the annual extreme values, and wave bending moments corresponding to a return period of 20 years are determined for discrete locations. The system reliability approach is used to calculate combined extreme vertical wave bending moment along the shipping route. The ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021
Wind and waves present the main causes of environmental loading on seagoing ships and offshore st... more Wind and waves present the main causes of environmental loading on seagoing ships and offshore structures. Thus, its detailed understanding can improve the design and maintenance of these structures. Wind and wave statistical models are developed based on the WorldWaves database for the Adriatic Sea: for the entire Adriatic Sea as a whole, divided into three regions and for 39 uniformly spaced locations across the offshore Adriatic. Model parameters are fitted and presented for each case, following the conditional modelling approach, i.e., the marginal distribution of significant wave height and conditional distribution of peak period and wind speed. Extreme significant wave heights were evaluated for 20-, 50- and 100-year return periods. The presented data provide a consistent and comprehensive description of metocean (wind and wave) climate in the Adriatic Sea that can serve as input for almost all kind of analyses of ships and offshore structures.
Papers by Marko Katalinic