
74 Pins
How to Drive a DC Motor With Transistor - Arduino Tutorial
To drive a DC motor you need a larger amount of current than Arduino board can give. For that reason you must use a transistor. Transistors have limits and maximum specs, just be sure those values are enough for your use.The transistor we are using for this tutorial is P2N2222A and is rated at 40V and 200mA, it just perfect for one toy dc motor.Note: If your motor needs more current than 200mA you can just buy another transistor (ask the staff in the electronics store). The connections below...
IKEA Frame Hack > SLOMO (Slow Motion) Frame
Make your own Slow Dance Frame - Created by Jeff Lieberman, we were quite astounded to be able to view real-live objects move in what appears to be slow motion with our naked eyes. It is so surreal and mesmerizing.
DragonflEye Project Wants to Turn Insects Into Cyborg Drones
DragonflEye Cyborg Drone - Draper developed insect-control "backpack" with integrated energy, guidance, and navigation systems. Genetically modified insects have optical interface.
The Ultimate FM Transmitter (Long Range Spybug)
Have you ever wanted to broadcast your own radio station within your neighborhood? Ever get curious on where people get those "Surveillance Bugs" from spy and action movies? This small ...
Ultimate Night Vision Headlamp - 500+ Lumens With Only 8 Watts
Ultimate Night Vision Headlamp - 500+ lumens with only 8 watts
The Ultimate FM Transmitter (Long Range Spybug)
Miniature FM Transmitter microphone.
Mini Weather Station With Attiny85
Mini weather station - Get humidity and temperature readings with Attiny85 microcontroller.
10 $ WIFI 16dBi Super Antenna Pictorial
Picture of 10 $ WIFI 16dBi Super Antenna Pictorial
Reuse Synaptics Touchpad from old laptop in your projects.
Chapter 4: Radio -- Build a simple crystal radio set. Fast, simple, cheap, and it uses no power.
A crystal radio is the distilled essence of a radio. It has very few parts, it needs no batteries or other power source, and it can be built in a short time out of things you can find around the house.
When a Phillips Is Not a Phillips!
When a Phillips is not a Phillips - Different types of fastener standards..