Chooky’s 🐓

78 Pins
Chicken Breeds that Lay the Most Eggs
The Golden Comet is the most eggs-ellent layer in Clucksville. She'll cough up, or pop out, an admirable 330 eggs🥚 a year. There are some egg-septional runners up though, and if you're looking to locate your very own egg-laying machine then knowing which breeds have the best egg yield will up your odds of a full tummy. Yum.
Best Toys for Chicken Coops!
Discover the secret to a happy, healthy flock with these chicken toys! These ideas will turn your coop into a playground, with DIY options to must-have buys. Keep your flock happy and healthy with these chicken toys. There are several DIY and store bought options that can stimulate your feathered friends' natural behaviors.
Can Chickens Eat That? The Ultimate Guide to What Food Scraps Chickens Can Eat
Can Chickens Eat That? The Ultimate Guide to What Food Scraps Chickens Can Eat
Vorwerk Chickens 101: Owning This Rare Breed
Want a unique, friendly feathered friend? Pin this to discover the secrets of the rare & fascinating Vorwerk chicken! #vorwerklife #rarebreedchicken
Our New Chicken Coop — The Boss Farmhouse
I’m so excited to be sharing our new coop. When we started planning our move to our old farmhouse we just assumed we would take our coop with. Eventually we wanted to build a little bigger one but when we sold our house the new owners asked if they could have it. So it sped our timeline up a bit to