Parenting Skills

Discover parenting skills, tips and advice to create healthy kids and a strong family bond. Learn how to create traditions, memories, and improve your parenting skills.
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Families Simplified Starter Kit
I’ve bundled three free resources into the Families Simplified Starter Kit- More Peace & Less Overwhelm: This resource is chock full of resources to help you connect with friends; find more time for you and your family; and bring some peace where there once was clutter and overwhelm. Plus Presence with Your Kids Every Day! Come learn more today!
One Powerful Tool to Get Your Child to Open Up
Sometimes it can be hard to get your child to talk to you. Open-ended questions didn't always work for me - but doing this one thing really did!
How to Revive Your Passion for Motherhood When You Feel Stressed
Discover tips on rekindling your love for motherhood in this empowering guide! Learn how to overcome stress & find joy in motherhood again. Don't let the challenges mask the beauty of being a mom. Bring back your enthusiasm & reignite your passion for the most rewarding job - Motherhood!
50 Uplifting Stories About Children With Special Needs
Sharing books about children with special needs opens all children up to empathy and a new world of understanding the lives of others.
What Is Intentional Living?
By discovering what means the most to you – you can begin to make choices each day that point you in the right direction. In a direction that feels loving, connected, and genuine. This site is filled with information that will help you truly get all you want out of your life!
Are You Your Son's Valentine - Here's Why It's a Great Idea!!!!
Having healthy relationships is a learned skill. And so we can teach our kids what healthy relationships look like. From the earliest age, we are modeling what relationships look like - between parent and child, friends, and partners / spouses. Children won't ask you, What is a healthy relationship? But, especially in today's culture, intentionally teaching tween and teen boys how to be respectful in romantic relationships has never been more important!
50 Ways to Bond with Your Children - BonBon Break
50 simple and loving ways to bond with your children.
One Powerful Tool Connected Families Use To Bond With Tweens and Teens
In order to create a strong family bond, look for family bonding activities that make children feel equal and included. Family board games are terrific traditions to teach children your values and to bond more closely as a family. And, there's always a board game that everyone will enjoy!
Want To Help Improve Your Child's Listening Skills?
If you want to improve listening skills in your children, read aloud in your family as often as possible. Listening is one of the four important and integrated language skills. #listeningskills #readaloud #buildlisteningskills #improvelisteningskills
Use These Phrases to Make Your Child Feel Absolutely Loved
Use one of these 75 phrases to make your child feel absolutely loved. Get your free printable list of the most powerful positive words for kids here right now. Then every time you see your printable list, say one of these positive messages for kids to make your child feel loved.
25 Little Things Dads Can Do to Be a Good Father
Here we are sharing 25 little things dads can do to be a good father. These are simple things every dad can do that mean a lot to your child. And as it turns out, these small moments are actually the biggest moments of all. Just for fun, try to find something new-to-you on this list and set a personal goal to do it today.
How to Fix Your Child's Bedtime Routine
Bedtime routine - I love it. I'm on autopilot and everything works...until it doesn't. Here's a great trick that worked wonders in my house to get bedtime back on track!
How to Say Yes To What Matters Most
I would love to learn how to say no nicely, politely, and maybe even gracefully to family and friends without feeling guilty. This is the perfect read if you want step by step tips on how to do just that and honor what matters most to you. Now - I've learned how to say no and I have time and energy left over to say yes to what matters - whether that be new adventures, or the people and things that truly matter in my life. #howtosayno #sayno #whatmatters
Want to Help Your Child Have Fewer Hard Times?
Have you heard the saying “Your child isn’t giving you a hard time, he’s having one.” That one saying is so powerful, it has changed the way I parent and the way I relate to my children. It completely shifts my thought process from being angry at my sons to being empathetic to whatever they are going through. It allows me to peacefully, empathetically, and calmly help them through their situation.But what if you knew a way to help your child have fewer hard times to begin with? Interested?
Is Your Child Displaying Angry Behaviors? This Is What You Need to Know...
Parenting and learning how to deal with an angry kid is not what any of us planned for. But, there is good news – there are ways to manage anger, sensory hacks, and coping skills. This article is a really good and easy place to start once you've gone beyond the usual suspects. Two common causes of angry kid behaviors are sugar sensitivity and worries. This helps with both!