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Pumpkin Spice Flan Cake Pastel De Calabaza | This cake is so good and also not too sweet for those of you who enjoy desserts that are not too sweet 😋 I hope you enjoy this recipe. Please comment... | By Lov.kari | Hey, everyone. My name is Karina. Welcome back. I am so excited because pumpkin season is upon us and I wanted to go ahead and show you guys how to make a delicious and super easy pumpkin spice flan cake. For this recipe, we're going to start off by making the mix for the flan. I'm going to be using four eggs and we're going to beat them. Next, we're going to add one can of evaporated milk, one can of sweetened condensed milk, one can of pure pumpkin. I'm using 15 ounces, two teaspoons of vanilla extract, and last, one tablespoon of pumpkin spice and we mix it up until everything is well mixed. This is how it should look once it's all mixed. Now, we're going to set it to the side and start working on the cake mix. For the cake part, I'm going to be using this spice cake mix and just follow the baking instructions on the box. Half a cup of vegetable oil, one cup of milk. It says on the box, one cup of water but I like to use one cup of milk and last, three large eggs and now, we mix. The cake mix is ready and we're going to set this to the side. We're going to set the pan on medium heat and wait for it to heat up. For the caramel, we're going to be using one cup of sugar. It should take you from five to seven minutes for the sugar to caramelize. You should stir the sugar constantly or else it will burn. As you can see, crystals are starting to form. Our caramel is now ready. I'm going to go ahead and turn off the heat. Before adding the caramel, I'm going to lightly spray the bundt pan. We add the caramel. We move it around and spread it evenly. I'm going to preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Now, it's time to pour in the cake batter. We're just going to even it out just like that. Next, we're going to add in the flan mix. I put it in my blender jar just so that it's easier to pour and we're just going to add it all around. We cover it up with foil. I'm going to place it in the baking tray. We're going to fill it up halfway with water. I'm going to put it in the oven and cook it for an hour and a half at 350 degrees. Okay, it's been an hour and 30 minutes and it's time to take out our flan. Okay? Let's open it up. And it smells delicious. Look at how spongy it is. Okay, it's time to flip it. It's still hot but I like to flip it when it's hot. Give it a little tap. I like to top it off with some whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon. And there you have it. Delicious pumpkin spice flan cake. Cheers.
Pumpkin Spice Flan Cake Pastel De Calabaza | This cake is so good and also not too sweet for those of you who enjoy desserts that are not too sweet 😋 I hope you enjoy this recipe. Please comment... | By Lov.kari | Hey, everyone. My name is Karina. Welcome back. I am so excited because pumpkin season is upon us and I wanted to go ahead and show you guys how to make a delicious and super easy pumpkin spice flan cake. For this recipe, we're going to start off by making the mix for the flan. I'm going to be using four eggs and we're going to beat them. Next, we're going to add one can of evaporated milk, one can of sweetened condensed milk, one can of pure pumpkin. I'm using 15 ounces, two teaspoons of vanilla extract, and last, one tablespoon of pumpkin spice and we mix it up until everythin
13K views · 221 reactions | Ingredients 🍓 🍮 •1 box strawberry cake mix + box ingredients •14 oz evaporated milk (1 can) •12 oz sweetened condensed milk (1 can) •4 eggs •1 tsp vanilla •Bake at 350 -23 mins or until toothpick comes out clean *Mini Bundt pan @wiltonbrands @wiltoncakes 🍓 🍮 🍓 #strawberry #strawberries #strawberrycrunch #flan #recipe #chocoflan | Sofy's Sweets Academy
13K views · 221 reactions | Ingredients 🍓 🍮 •1 box strawberry cake mix + box ingredients •14 oz evaporated milk (1 can) •12 oz sweetened condensed milk (1 can) •4 eggs •1 tsp vanilla •Bake at 350 -23 mins or until toothpick comes out clean *Mini Bundt pan @wiltonbrands @wiltoncakes 🍓 🍮 🍓 #strawberry #strawberries #strawberrycrunch #flan #recipe #chocoflan | Sofy's Sweets Academy
3.6K views · 18K reactions | ¿Quieres aprender REPOSTERÍA DESDE 0? Estás en el lugar indicado para empezar, con nuestro curso de repostería Online, aprenderás desde lo más básico hasta lo más avanzado⬇️⬇️ Más información en el link del perfil ⬇️⬇️⬇️ ➡️Sigue aprendiendo más recetas en el link del perfil.✅ ➡️ Aprende y emprende recetas altamente rentables en el link del perfil.✅ ➡️ Emprende con pastelería desde cero en el link del perfil.✅ #recetasfáciles #recetasrapidas #postrescaseros #recetascaseras #recetassaludablesyfaciles #chocoflan #reposteriacasera #reposteriacasera | REPOSTERÍA PARA TODOS
3.6K views · 18K reactions | ¿Quieres aprender REPOSTERÍA DESDE 0? Estás en el lugar indicado para empezar, con nuestro curso de repostería Online, aprenderás desde lo más básico hasta lo más avanzado⬇️⬇️ Más información en el link del perfil ⬇️⬇️⬇️ ➡️Sigue aprendiendo más recetas en el link del perfil.✅ ➡️ Aprende y emprende recetas altamente rentables en el link del perfil.✅ ➡️ Emprende con pastelería desde cero en el link del perfil.✅ #recetasfáciles #recetasrapidas #postrescaseros #recetascaseras #recetassaludablesyfaciles #chocoflan #reposteriacasera #reposteriacasera | REPOSTERÍA PARA TODOS
137K views · 5.5K reactions | Pastel mágico | Receta de PASTEL MÁGICO O PASTEL INTELIGENTE Ingredientes para 6 personas: ½ litro de leche (2 tazas) 4 huevos L (65 g c/u) 140 g de azúcar (2/3 de... | By Anna recetas fácilesFacebook
137K views · 5.5K reactions | Pastel mágico | Receta de PASTEL MÁGICO O PASTEL INTELIGENTE Ingredientes para 6 personas: ½ litro de leche (2 tazas) 4 huevos L (65 g c/u) 140 g de azúcar (2/3 de... | By Anna recetas fácilesFacebook
Flan Tres Leches Cake - Willow Bird Baking
Flan Tres Leches Cake: If you love flan and/or tres leches cake, you’re in for a treat. This cake has an incredible flavor and an even more fantastic texture. It’s also surprisingly easy to whip up.
My Tremendous Tres Leches Flan Cake | What's Cookin' Chicago
Puerto Rican-Style Flancocho (Vanilla Flan Cake) | Salima's Kitchen