Historical originals or replicas in Homes

Historical homes or replicas Things found in historical homes Furniture Materials Structure Architecture of historical homes Homes of different time periods Famous historical homes and buildings How people lived back then How the homes functioned What they used The origins of household items appliances or furniture How they were build Daily lives of people of history Types Anything to deal with history and homes
188 Pins
It's a vision straight out of a fairy-tale! A 300-year-old thatched roof Irish cottage in County Waterford.
300-year-old Irish cottage for sale | IrishCentral.com
The fireplace & caileach (bed/cubby) - Picture of Jacks Old Cottage, Castlebar - Tripadvisor
The fireplace & caileach (bed/cubby) - Picture of Jacks Old Cottage, Castlebar - TripAdvisor