Valrhona Chocolate Inspiration

We're a proud supplier of Valrhona chocolate in Johannesburg, South Africa. Pastry chefs love us. Home cooks love us. Chocolate lovers adore us. If you need a little inspiration on what can be achieved with this gourmet product... just take a look!
24 Pins
Valrhona dark chocolate
Pantry Essentials
Pantry Mainstay Valrhona Satilia Chocolate. ***************************
Valrhona Chocolate Crepe Layer Cake with Hazelnut Cream—Happy Birthday to My Hubby
Valrhona Chocolate Crepe Layer Cake with Hazelnut Cream--I think my Valentine would love to have this cake to celebrate the V-day this year!
Flour & Stone's chocolate Manjari cake
FLIPP Management | William Meppem for Gourmet Traveller. Chocolate Manjari cake
Whiskytrüffel 200 ml Sahne 1 Prise Salz 300 g 70% Kuvertüre (Valrhona Guajana) 20 g Butter 3 EL Whisky (Balvenie Single Barrel, 15 Jahre, 47,8%) Kakaopulver zum Wälzen
Biscotti de Chocolate y avellanas, y Biscotti de Pistacho y arándanos
Food and Cook by trotamundos » Biscotti de Chocolate y avellanas, y Biscotti de Pistacho y arándanos
Dark Chocolate Cupcake
Dark Chocolate Cupcake | By L'Ecole Valrhona. Recipe available on our online boutique:
Dark Chocolate Fudge Doughnut Cakes - Edible Garden
Dark Chocolate Fudge Doughnut Cakes. Surely these are evil?