Vegan Recipes

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Easy Vegan Chickpea Salad - Healthy and Delicious!
This delicious vegan chickpea salad is quick and easy to pull together and uses bright, healthy ingredients to form a tasty, well rounded salad. Get a punch of protein, fats, and fresh veg in one yummy bowl. Perfect as a summer chickpea salad, or to help detox heavy holiday foods, this salad will make you feel as good as it tastes! | Vegan Recipes | Vegan Salad | Vegan Chickpea Recipes | Vegan Foods | Healthy Recipes | Plant Based | Gluten Free | #yumveganblog #vegan #vegansalads #chickpeas
This may contain: vegan mandel - schokokuchen with almonds on the side
Veganer Schokokuchen mit Mandeln
45min · 12 servings Zutaten • 120 g Haferflocken fein od BIO Beerenmüsli • 30 g gemahlene Mandeln • 50 g Kakao • 20 g Dattelwürfel • 1,5 TL Backpulver • 120 ml Mandeldrink • 70 g Sirup • 100 g Apfelmus • 70 g Öl • Mandelblättchen zum Belegen Ofen auf 180’ O/U vorheizen. Alle trockenen Zutaten in einem Hochleistungsmixer fein vermixen. Die flüssigen Zutaten vorsichtig unter die trockenen Mengen, bis ein homogener Teig entsteht. In eine Backform füllen und mit Mandelblättchen bestreuen. Ca. 30 Min. backen. (Je nach Form kann die Backzeit etwas variieren).
Tasting Thailand: Vegetarian Festival in Ubon Ratchathani
In October, Thailand celebrates their annual Vegetarian Festival! It's the best time for vegans travellers to visit with restaurants & stores catering to a stri
This may contain: a woman in blue leggings is doing yoga with the words you need to do these stretches after leg day
Do these stretches after leg day! 🦋💪🏼 your glutes will thank you
This may contain: red velvet pancakes with white icing on a plate
Red velvet Pfannkuchen - Vegan, Gebacken & Zuckerfrei