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Echinacea purpurea - EXTRA LARGE EDITION (of 10) 84cm x 107cm, 33.0inches x 42.0inches / Print only
Echinacea purpurea (Coneflower) is a perennial plant with striking pink to purple daisy-like flowers that create a cone shape around the seed head. The name derives from the Ancient Greek word “echinos” for hedgehog, or sea urchin, which refers to the striking spiny bracts, or paleae, in its centre. Echinacea has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Indigenous tribes, particularly those in North America, used various parts of the plant, including the roots, leaves, and flowers, for tre
Plant a Family Garden
Imagine a garden that blooms with meaning... Plant your family's birth month flowers and create a yard that celebrates the people you love! Each month's blooms have special meanings, making this a unique way to honor your crew. Discover your flowers and how to make them shine. Let's get planting and make your outdoor space a family heirloom! #BirthMonthFlowers #FamilyGarden #SpecialSpaces