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Geninne's Art Blog
A very talented stamp artist now has stamps available from one of the top stamp manufacturers, Magenta. Swoon.
Rhombitrihexagonal tiling on monday morning - have a nice week! Inspired by Florence @florenceturnour #regnitzflimmern #allstampshandcarved
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Rubbere stempel leeuw met de hand gesneden zoo dieren
Sat down to do a quick 15 minute stamp and surfaced two hours later. Stamp carving is addictive! #CarveDecember #littlerowanredhead #hexies
Coup de coeur / Le Tampographe : carreaux d'encre /
Mon coup de coeur de la semaine revient à ces tampons vu sur Le Tampographe , ils reproduisent des motifs de carreaux de ciment anciens...
Starting the week with bi- and tricolor pattern stamps. There is more to come... #regnitzflimmern #allstampshandcarved
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{ week fourteen } of the #52weeksofprintmaking challenge 2015 by Yardage Design :: handcarved, blockprinted pattern
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{ week fourteen } of the #52weeksofprintmaking challenge 2015 by Yardage Design :: handcarved, blockprinted pattern