16 Pins
What to Know: Daytime Sleeping for Night Shift
At the end of the day (or night) it is how we manage our sleep that determines whether we will be active participants in our life or exhausted zombies dragging our way through. How well you feel while you’re awake greatly depends on the quality and quantity of your sleep. Here's what you need to know for a great daytime sleep. | night shift nurse | shift work sleep tips | night shift sleep schedule #sleeptips #shiftwork #nightnursetips
How to Conquer Sleep and Other Demons | Optimize My Life
How to Conquer Sleep and Other Demons Advice from a medical resident working the night shifts #sleep #nightshift #shiftwork
Working Night Shift: The Health Effects
Health Effects of Shift Work and Ways to Combat Them | Franciscan Health | Franciscan Health
How to Fall Asleep Quickly Even When You're Not Tired
Are you reliant sleeping medications and drugs to help you fall asleep? There is a better way. Here are 19 incredible sleeping tips and sleep remedies for both teens and adults to help you fall to sleep instantly! | | #sleepingtipsbreathingtechniques #sleepingtips #shiftworksleepingtips #shiftwork #cantsleep #nightshiftproblems #adultsleepissues #sotired #needanap
Daytime Sleeping for the Night Shift - Night Shift Wellness
Working The Night Shift? 7 Must-Dos To Stay Vital & Get Enough Zzzs
Working The Night Shift? 7 Must-Dos To Stay Vital & Get Enough Zzzs
| The Other Shift
The Essential Guide to conquering shift work | How Do You Adapt to Shift Work? 7 Tips to Transition Quickly