
62 Pins
DIY – Decorative Cracks in the Concrete
Cracks in your concrete are not necessarily a bad thing! We purposely chose to let our concrete floors….thus making decorative cracks in the concrete. Why??? I had read a book about Frank Llo…
ИЗ ТОГО, ЧТО ПОД РУКАМИ - рукоделие, декор, дизайн — ☼ НЕОБЫЧНАЯ МОЗАИКА | OK.RU
Gold Crack Concrete Repair On Polished Concrete
Inspired by Kintsugi, we take a look at a time when a gold crack concrete repair was used to fill cracks in a polished concrete floor, creating a unique effect.
Wabi Sabi: The Ugly Driveway Project - Zorra Creative Fox Studio
rachel sussman uses gold to 'repair' cracked sidewalks in homage to japanese 'kintsukuroi' art
rachel sussman 'repairs' cracked sidewalks with gold paint