Brenda gantt

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4M views · 20K comments | Lemon Meringue Pie | By Cooking with Brenda Gantt | Hey, y'all. I'm gonna teach you how to make the easiest pie that there ever was. My mommy used to bake them all the time and it was just one of our favorites. It's called lemon meringue pie and it is just so easy that it's almost funny, okay? You can make your own pie crust or you can use a bulk pie crust. Anyone you wanna do is fine. So, what you wanna do is um you wanna get you some lemons. Now, I don't you need to buy maybe a bag bag of lemons or or several maybe six or seven. It's according to how juicy the lemon is. You know, sometimes um you buy a lemon and there's hardly any juice in it and other times the gear that's full of juice. So, I will I've got this and I'm gonna cut my lemon I rolled mine because that helps that juice to come out in that lemon real good and I am going to get me a half a cup. Now, I don't know how many lemons I'm gonna have to use to get me a half a cup but um that's what I've got to have. I gotta have a half a cup of juice. So, just bear with me and we will get us a half a cup of juice. Okay, I've got that one. You know, as a child, um I used to eat lemons all the time. Ii love them. I mean, I still, I crave lemons. II do. I've always loved them and I yes, I know I could. I might just pour that through my tea strainer but anyway, uh so every afternoon after school when I get home, I just get a whole lemon and I will eat it. Peeling at all and so, as a result of that, it ate some of the enamel off of my teeth. So, I have to be real careful um to make sure that I don't eat anymore of these things cuz I don't wanna lose anymore enamel on my teeth. They were bad for me and we didn't really know it. Mama didn't know it. I didn't know it. We didn't know what it was doing to my teeth. But we learn through experience, alright? This is lemon number two and then, these are really juicy. There's a lot of juice in these lemons. You may have a juicer at home. You don't even have to do what I'm doing. I'm gonna do this one and then I will measure it. It is getting close to a half a cup. What it is is you don't have to cook lemon meringue pie. This juice in this lemon cooks the egg. It literally it just cooks it. So, let me get me a tea strainer and a measuring cup. And we will just measure what I've done so far. That way, you get the seeds out of it. But I love, I love a lemon meringue pie. They're so easy Pies are one of my favorites. I like pies and cookies. I like cakes too but I love pies and cookies. Alright, let's see what we've got in there. We've got a fourth of a cup. So, let me do two more lemons and see if that'll get us to a half a cup. Roll this around the loop. Sometimes it takes strings to cook, doesn't it? This lady the other day, she wrote me the sweetest note on Facebook on the cooking show. She said that she was in a nursing home and she said, I'm in my room and because of covid, I'm stuck in my room and she said, I'm so glad that your cooking show comes on and that I can watch it because it brings joy to me every single day and y'all, we just need to remember those people in the nursing homes and the ones that are stuck in. Uh you know, bless her heart. I'm so glad that I can do something to help her. Um I forgotten what state she was from. I don't matter of fact, I don't even think she said what state she was from but all you people that are watching me in the nursing homes, I love you. I hope you have a good day and just keep watching me. We're gonna cook together. I know you, if you could just give me some recipes, I know you would if you could. Alright, let's see how many have I done. I need to do one more. We're gonna see if that's gonna be enough. I've already done it. I've already done it. Let's see what we got there. Let's pour it in. Let's see if we've got a half a cup yet. This is the hardest part of the pot. We'll do with the lemons. Once you get that done, honey, you are home free. Okay, let's see what we got. Third of a cup. Well, we're gonna need a couple more I guess. That's why I told you just to buy you a bag of em and you can uh if you don't use it for that, you can make some lemonade. Some good homemade lemonade. Would that be good? And refreshing. I love homemade lemonade. There's a lot of um children in Andalusia. Um they set up little lemonade stands and they'll do it for um for like breast cancer awareness or some kind something like that. Some kind of thing that they can give the money to and people will come by on their way to work and they'll stop out by the roadside and buy em a little cup of lemonade or little glass of lemonade to help out. They usually tip em and so, all that money goes to to help um different charities that they do and that's good for children. They enjoy painting their little lemonade sign and putting it up like that which is a good thing. Fire Let's try this one. I'm telling you. Let's try and see if that's a half a cup. Now, I want what I could, I will do one more and it's gonna be there. It's gonna be there. That'll be all we need. I could have already had my lemons done when I when I turned you on but the thing about it is if I did that, I wouldn't get to talk to you and I enjoy visiting I've had a few little visitors today, not many. My daughter came over for a while. My son in law came over for a while and Then, I had a couple of ladies to come in today. The coddle house. I got to talk to them a little while. They said they were fixed to go out to eat. I said, well, honey, that'll be a good thing. She said, if you got a coffee pot in there, I said, I sure do. Go make you some coffee and sit on the porch. And I think that's what they're gonna do. Alright, let me look right here. That's all I need. I'll use the rest of it in some lemonade. I'll make me a little lemon water after a while. Alright, let me look. Alright, it's exactly a half a cup of lemon juice. So, what you do, this is really easy. You just take one can of your sweetened condensed milk. Just one can and put it in your bowl. I mean, this is, I guess this pie, baton pie, two of the easiest ones I've known. And they're both absolutely delicious. Okay? We got that in there and now, what you do is you put in your eggs. You put your eggs in next. And all you wanna put in as far as the eggs go is just the yolk. Now, save your whites because if you save your whites, we're gonna make a meringue for the top. So, just crack it and do your egg back and forth like this real gently. To get all your white out. Now, you don't wanna get any yellow in that white cuz if you do, your meringue won't do right. Put one yolk in there. We're gonna do three of em. Okay? There we go. Two and then three and I'm gonna sit this this white aside because to make a good meringue, your um whites need to be room temperature. So, here we go. I'm just gonna sit these over to the side for a while and I've got my eggs in there and I'm gonna beat them up. In that sweet and condensed milk. See, this is all it is. Can y'all see that? I think you can. I'm just gonna beat them up in there real good. Okay, that's done. Then, pour your lemon juice in it. Half a cup. Beat that up. And that lemon juice is going to cook those egg yolks. I've got my pie crust in the oven. So, when this gets ready, Imma pour this into it. Then, we'll make our meringue but to help it set up, I'm gonna just sit this in the refrigerator while my pie crust is cooking and then we will um I don't know if I've set up bad or good today but anyway, then after the pie crust comes out, then we'll try uh put our fillet in it, okay? See you in just a few. Since our pie crust is cold and ready. We're going to put in our um filling. You know, this was the um lemonized box pie. Lemon meringue pie. Lemon ice box meringue pie. But anyway, I'm gonna pour my filling in there. It's good and cold. And I'm gonna tell y'all, I love lemon pie. I do love it. It's so refreshing especially in the summertime but this is one of my mama's um favorites. She was a good pie maker and we children, we all loved it too. Alright, let me get it all in there. Okay. There we go. So now, we're gonna go over here and make us some meringue for the top. Y'all, that is so good. Mmm mmm mmm mmm. What you say? Alright, let me move you over here. We're gonna do that. We're gonna make a meringue. Okay, we're gonna make some meringue. I've got my mixer and I've got my beater on it. And yes, you do have to have a mixer. And I have three um egg whites. So, I'm gonna put them in there and they are room temperature. It has to be room temperature and it has to have no yellow in it and no grease on your pan or anything. You put it in here and you turn it on high and while this is mixing, I'm gonna get some sugar put in. So, I'll be right back. Frosting up a little bit. What I did uh over there. Like that. I mean, time is sweet. Let you see what's happening. See, it is peaked. Let me show you something. You see that little peek in it? Um if you can, it's right there. See that little thing that's peeking up? That shows that it's just about ready. You want a nice pink in it. So, I'm gonna do it just a time or two more. I cook for eggs with the mud. Alright, now I'm going is living. But you gotta wait til it peaks to put your sugar in there. Alright, you just take this off. And you are ready to put it on any kind of pie you want to and then you put it in the oven on broil, your pie. Not too close to the element, maybe the middle of the oven and do not leave it. Stand right beside it because it will burn in a second. So, just stand there and stand there and pink until it gets all brown. Uh light brown. You don't want it dark and then and it'll be really pretty. Now, that that's the rain. See there? Is good plain too but that's got enough sugar in it to do good. So, that's how you make meringue. Alright, we've poured our, we've made our pie crust. We poured our lemon uh pie filling in there. Lemon ice box pie, lemon meringue pie, whatever you wanna call it and I'm going to put my um meringue on top of it. This was really easy to make. Whoo. It's gonna be a lot. This is just three eggs too. This uh meringue was made with just three eggs. Egg whites rather. Alright, just kinda start pressing it down to the edging like this. I could eat this whole pie but I'm not going to but I could do it. I might be sick if I ate the whole pie. Okay. There we go. Looks mighty good. Okay. Now, let's pop it in the oven on broil and I'm not gonna leave it. I'm gonna watch it. So, let me put it in there. Let me turn you around this way. So you can see the oven and I've got it in there and I'm gonna turn it on broil and start. Now, I'm just gonna stand here because it will burn in a second. And while that's cooking, I think I'll just eat some of this meringue before it's cooked. Biscuit sitting here with me tonight. You hear me beating this bowl, don't you girl? You can't have any. You can't have any. Alright, let me pick. It's not there yet. Sometimes, you can leave your door open and that element, when you leave your door open a little bit, that element stays on in there. We won't be ready to take it out when the time comes because I'm telling you, when the time comes, you better get it out of there. It'll burn. You have to watch it closely. This is probably my supper tonight. I may eat a apple to go with it. I don't know yet. It's not supper time yet. I'll worry about that when the time comes. Alright, it's getting there. We'll leave it in just a second more. So, meringues are easy to make. Remember, y'all just go on the Cooking with Brenda Gant Facebook or Cooking with Brenda Gant Instagram and we're gonna stay together. We're gonna cook together. One more second. Yeah? Just one more second. Y'all hear her yet. Are you gonna talk to everybody on Facebook girl? Hm? Are you gonna talk to him? She's wagging that tail. Alright, here we go and it's ready. See there? You just have to stand there because if you don't, you'll burn it every time. I can't tell you how many I'll burn because I've either answered the phone or when I was young, change the diaper, you never know but here it is. Ain't it pretty? It's gonna be good y'all. It's gonna be good. I wish you had a piece of it with me tonight. With that homemade crust and that good good lemony flavor. It's gonna be good. To y'all later. Buh bye.
Lemon Meringue Pie | By Cooking with Brenda Gantt | Hey, y'all. I'm gonna teach you how to make the easiest pie that there ever was. My mommy used to bake them all the time and it was just one of our favorites. It's called lemon meringue pie and it is just so easy that it's almost funny, okay? You can make your own pie crust or you can use a bulk pie crust. Anyone you wanna do is fine. So, what you wanna do is um you wanna get you some lemons. Now, I don't you need to buy maybe a bag bag of lemons or or several maybe six or seven. It's according to how juicy the lemon is. You know, sometimes um you buy a lemon and there's hardly any juice in it and other times the gear that's full of juice. So, I will I've got this and I'm gonna cut my lemon I rolled mine because that helps that juice to c