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From a Struggling Parent to Superdad: 8 Things That Make Jason Momoa the Most Perfect Father Ever
From a Struggling Parent to Superdad: 8 Things That Make Jason Momoa the Most Perfect Father Ever
8 Celeb Dads Who Are About to Go Crazy Because of Their Kids
8 Celeb Dads Who Are About to Go Crazy Because of Their Kids
As Nick Cannon, 41, Announces the Birth of Baby No.9, With the Tenth on the Way, Here Is the Story of His Ever-Growing Family With 6 Baby Mamas
As Nick Cannon, 41, Announces the Birth of Baby No.9, With the Tenth on the Way, Here Is the Story of His Ever-Growing Family With 6 Baby Mamas
17 People Who Made Their Families Laugh Harder Than Usual
The benefits of exchanging jokes within the family go beyond having icebreakers or funny distractions. Having a sense of humor can help the kids connect with their peers at school and help them improve certain verbal skills. Good thing, each family usually has at least one person who has the special ability to make their loved ones laugh — just like the people on this list.
12 Celebs Who Just Welcomed New Babies, and We Are So Happy for Them
12 Celebs Who Just Welcomed New Babies, and We Are So Happy for Them
15 Families Whose Photo Albums Hold Priceless Treasures
15 Families Whose Photo Albums Hold Priceless Treasures
13 Photos Showing Why Dads Are Our First Idols in Life
13 Photos Showing Why Dads Are Our First Idols in Life
The Love Story of John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Who Just Announced the Pregnancy of Their Rainbow Baby
The Love Story of John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Who Just Announced the Pregnancy of Their Rainbow Baby
“Are They Rescues?” Father of 5 Uses Leashes to Keep His Children Safe, and People Quickly Jump to Judge
“Are They Rescues?” Father of 5 Uses Leashes to Keep His Children Safe, and People Quickly Jump to Judge
“They Were Meant to Be Brothers” Woman Gives Birth and Adopts Sons With Down Syndrome
“They Were Meant to Be Brothers” Woman Gives Birth and Adopts Sons With Down Syndrome
15 Pictures That Show the Apple Doesn’t Usually Fall Far From the Tree
Genetically, we are more similar to our mothers than our fathers. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be a copy of your dad or even one of your grandparents. After all, some genes that are active in your parents can be inactive in you and vice versa. That’s why inheriting genes is like playing a lottery. We at Bright Side love seeing how genetic codes leave imprints from generation to generation, and that’s why we made a compilation of 15 pics that show the power of genetics.
15 Parents Who Deserve Tons of Respect and a Pat on the Back
If “mom life” was converted into working hours, mothers would clock in about 98 hours per week, according to a survey. That’s almost like working 2.5 full-time jobs. Needless to say, parents — yes dads, we see you too — don’t have it easy. But they continue to go out of their way to express their love and support for their kids, just like these folks who gave us all the warm feels with their sweet gestures.
20 Playful Things Fathers Do to Bond With Their Kids
Being a parent is no easy job, but without a doubt, dads are always trying to make it a fun one. It’s hard to imagine what our life would be like without the occasional dad joke here and there. Whether it’s a silly joke or an April’s fools prank, they never cease to make us laugh.
Backstreet Boys’ AJ McLean Supports Daughter, 9, “A Million Percent” in Going From Ava to Elliott
Backstreet Boys’ AJ McLean Supports Daughter, 9, “A Million Percent” in Going From Ava to Elliott
16 Dads Share Pics of Their Kids, Showing How They Handle Being a Parent
Being a parent can be very nerve-racking, but a sense of humor can help you in any place, at any time. Even if your kid doesn’t know the word “privacy” and disturbs you in the bathroom, you can share this situation with other parents so you can laugh together at your life, which is never boring these days.