In testwiki SD board topic make a double-click on any Reply - the permalink for the topic will be displayed with the text area looking as in no-js mode.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined at (VM4559 load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.CodeMirror.lib|ext.visualEditor.core%2Cdata&skin=vector&version=1ssfeb4:669) at (<anonymous>:420:775) at (<anonymous>:388:681) at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:494:595) at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (VM4534 load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki|mediawiki.legacy.wikibits&only=scripts&skin=vector&version=14kbqyi:69) at HTMLDivElement.elemData.handle (VM4534 load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki|mediawiki.legacy.wikibits&only=scripts&skin=vector&version=14kbqyi:66)
And there are other UI manifestations of the error
- not having the topic title in Reply to ""
- another reply area is open and no buttons are dispalyed