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[Story] Migrate shex-simple from rawgit to Toolforge
Closed, ResolvedPublic


RawGit is shutting down. shex-simple needs to move somewhere else; from our point of view, Toolforge would be an excellent choice (less privacy concerns if we’re going to send people there per T216816). Ultimately this decision is probably up to @ericP.

Event Timeline

Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE renamed this task from Migrate shex-simple from rawgit to Toolforge to [Story] Migrate shex-simple from rawgit to Toolforge.Feb 28 2019, 2:16 PM
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE created this task.

Well, the Toolforge instance is up at Automatic updates should be working, but I guess we won’t know for sure until the next update to the repository.

Setup commands:

git clone --bare
mkdir -p ~/public_html
git -C shex.js.git/ worktree add ~/public_html/master master
git -C shex.js.git/ worktree add ~/public_html/wikidata wikidata

cat > ~/.lighttpd.conf << 'EOF'
url.redirect = ( "(wikidata|master)/$" => "doc/shex-simple.html" )
webservice --backend=kubernetes php7.2 start

cat > ~/ << 'EOF'
git -C shex.js.git fetch origin master wikidata
for branch in master wikidata; do
    git -C public_html/"$branch" reset --hard
chmod +x ~/

{ crontab -l; printf '%s\n' '0 * * * * ~/'; } | crontab -

Any bright ideas where I could document those more permanently?

That repo seems to have a GitHub wiki that is somewhat used:

Well, that wiki is for the whole shex.js implementation, I’m not sure if that’s a good place for this specific installation.