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Prevent moving Schema pages
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Currently, it’s possible to move Schema pages, even between namespaces. I don’t think we want to allow this.

Event Timeline

The first two patches of T218181: Properly handle (=disallow) imports should also prevent moving pages into or out of the Schema namespace, but I think that doesn’t solve the problem of moving them within the namespace.

Lydia_Pintscher subscribed.

Ufff yeah we want to disallow that before going to production.

Picking this up. I’m not sure when/if we want to estimate this; SHA2-256 commitment on my estimate: 3f113697dffedcbbe84cf59fc0e2ec8926697fb6451c5e89e90f7c16d633bb56

Change 499481 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); owner: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseSchema@master] Make Schema namespace immovable

This patch doesn’t prevent moving of Schema talk pages, because we don’t prevent that for item, property or lexeme talk pages either. But perhaps we should?

hoo subscribed.

Moving back to backlog (per the open question in T219313#5061925).

Change 499481 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseSchema@master] Make Schema namespace immovable

This patch doesn’t prevent moving of Schema talk pages, because we don’t prevent that for item, property or lexeme talk pages either. But perhaps we should?

As we quickly discussed today: Let's leave the talk pages movable as with Items and co.

Change 713444 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/EntitySchema@master] Declare EntitySchema namespace as not movable

Change 713444 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/EntitySchema@master] Declare EntitySchema namespace as not movable