Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "B"
The meaning of "B" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy A is no bigger than B?
A is not bigger than B. It is the same size (probably, or it could be smaller). "No bigger" means "not any bigger."
Co znaczy what do A, B and C mean??
A - To hit a new low means to break the record for lowness - 인적 저급함의 기록을 깨다
B - The coffee to go means coffee which you order and eat outside of the cafe - 당신이 카페 커피를 주문해고 밖에서 먹는 커피
C - To take one down is to defeat stop or kill someone - 물리치다/말리다/죽이다
B - The coffee to go means coffee which you order and eat outside of the cafe - 당신이 카페 커피를 주문해고 밖에서 먹는 커피
C - To take one down is to defeat stop or kill someone - 물리치다/말리다/죽이다
Co znaczy A is turned against B.?
It means A has betrayed B.
But the "is" instead of "has" makes it sound more literal. If it's literal the meaning would be, A's head is turned and they are touching B.
But the "is" instead of "has" makes it sound more literal. If it's literal the meaning would be, A's head is turned and they are touching B.
Co znaczy A: Do you enjoy/like it?
B:It' OK.
Which does 'It's OK' mean, 'So so.' or 'It's good(positive)'??
B:It' OK.
Which does 'It's OK' mean, 'So so.' or 'It's good(positive)'??
Yes if we say something is “OK” it means it’s not bad and it’s not great, it’s just alright, “so so” is right 👏🏻
Co znaczy A: So it's as if it never even happened
B: No-- well, sure. I mean, even as it's happening,it's like it never happened?
B: No-- well, sure. I mean, even as it's happening,it's like it never happened?
I believe that what they are trying to say is that, they are pretending that whatever happened/is happening never happened.
I think they are trying to forget about whatever happened. By saying, it's like it never happened, you are pretending that whatever happened didn't actually happen.
Its kinda hard to explain, sorry!
I think they are trying to forget about whatever happened. By saying, it's like it never happened, you are pretending that whatever happened didn't actually happen.
Its kinda hard to explain, sorry!
Example sentences using "B"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z withhold A from B.
"The company withholds income taxes from your paycheck." "I am angry that the broker withheld information about the roof's poor condition from me."
Napisz przykładowe zdania z had rather A than B.
一般的な言い方はありません.There are no common ways of saying it. It is an expression to compare two things, or actions.
"I would rather be at home than be at work."
"He rather be playing video games than doing homework"
"She would rather die than see him again."
It changes intensity. All based on context.
"I would rather be at home than be at work."
"He rather be playing video games than doing homework"
"She would rather die than see him again."
It changes intensity. All based on context.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z A 하고 싶었지만(그러지 못하고) B 해야 한다.
@skylcool: yeah sure! I think "even though" is more natural than "even if." You could put "although" or "even though" at the front of the sentence like this:
"Although I really wanted to sleep in today, I have to go to work."
"Even though I wanted to go out tonight, I can't because I have to do my homework."
-I think this one has the nuance of 나가고싶어도, 숙제하야해서 못 나가 or sth like that. Idk if it sounds natural in Korean😆
"Although I really wanted to sleep in today, I have to go to work."
"Even though I wanted to go out tonight, I can't because I have to do my homework."
-I think this one has the nuance of 나가고싶어도, 숙제하야해서 못 나가 or sth like that. Idk if it sounds natural in Korean😆
Napisz przykładowe zdania z A is attributable to B.
"His success perhaps is attributable to a single event that stemmed from youthful brashness and vigorous outspokenness." - The Cultural History of Marlborough, Virginia, C. Malcolm Watkins (
"About half of the past century's rise in sea level is attributable to warmer oceans simply occupying more space." -
"About half of the past century's rise in sea level is attributable to warmer oceans simply occupying more space." -
Napisz przykładowe zdania z A is of B.
Which kind of "A is of B" do you want? There are many!
Time is of the essence.
I am of the opinion that Nelson is a fine candidate.
She is of age.
Lies are of the devil.
Water is of the same consistency as alcohol.
If it is of your will, I will do it.
This is of the utmost importance.
His wares are of great quality.
Do not worry, the injury is of no import.
Many of the "A is of B" indicate that A has the qualities of B.
But sometimes it means, "A originates from B". And then, there
are idioms such as, "of age", which means, "adult".
Time is of the essence.
I am of the opinion that Nelson is a fine candidate.
She is of age.
Lies are of the devil.
Water is of the same consistency as alcohol.
If it is of your will, I will do it.
This is of the utmost importance.
His wares are of great quality.
Do not worry, the injury is of no import.
Many of the "A is of B" indicate that A has the qualities of B.
But sometimes it means, "A originates from B". And then, there
are idioms such as, "of age", which means, "adult".
Synonyms of "B" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między is A and B the same thing? i is A and B the same things? ?
If A and B are the same, you would be talking about one thing, so the first example would almost be correct. "Is" should be "Are" because you are naming two subjects.
Are A and B the same thing?
Are A and B the same thing?
Jaka jest różnica między A and B are C and D, respectively. i A and B is C and D, respectively. ?
Jaka jest różnica między Which do you like A or B? i Do you like A or B? ?
it has the sam meaning but I think it's better to add "one" after "wich"
Jaka jest różnica między distinguish A from B i discriminate A from B ?
I think most native speakers would use “discriminate” to describe the unfair treatment of people belonging to a group (age, sex, race, sexual preference).
You are correct tho, it is a synonym for differentiate and distinguish, it just isn’t common to hear it used like that. It’s more commonly used like this:
“I think they didn’t want to promote me to a manager role because I’m the only woman on the team. I’m use to being discriminated against, but it still hurts...”
You are correct tho, it is a synonym for differentiate and distinguish, it just isn’t common to hear it used like that. It’s more commonly used like this:
“I think they didn’t want to promote me to a manager role because I’m the only woman on the team. I’m use to being discriminated against, but it still hurts...”
Jaka jest różnica między A: Who is she?
B: She is my aunt.
A: What's she doing?
B: She is teaching English.
She is a teacher.
"What is she doing?" i What is her job? ?
B: She is my aunt.
A: What's she doing?
B: She is teaching English.
She is a teacher.
"What is she doing?" i What is her job? ?
Here "What's she doing" has the same meaning as "What does she do for a living / what is her job"
In another context you could see a lady doing some weird dance and ask
"What's she doing" and someone might reply
"it seems like she is dancing"
So the sentence doesn't always have the same meaning. It depends on the situation. Does that help?
In another context you could see a lady doing some weird dance and ask
"What's she doing" and someone might reply
"it seems like she is dancing"
So the sentence doesn't always have the same meaning. It depends on the situation. Does that help?
Translations of "B"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? A: "なんであそこ鍵かかってるの?"
B: "秘密基地だから。…なんてね笑 地震が来たらものが飛び出すから鍵かけてるんだよ。
A: 落ちほど物入ってんの?捨てれば?
B: 分かってないなぁ。いるから取っておいてんの。
A: そうやって物ばっかり増えるんだよ。
B: 物を捨てて後悔したことあるでしょ?捨てて、数日経って 必要な時が来る。そしたら絶対こう言う、あぁ、捨てなきゃ良かったって。
B: "秘密基地だから。…なんてね笑 地震が来たらものが飛び出すから鍵かけてるんだよ。
A: 落ちほど物入ってんの?捨てれば?
B: 分かってないなぁ。いるから取っておいてんの。
A: そうやって物ばっかり増えるんだよ。
B: 物を捨てて後悔したことあるでしょ?捨てて、数日経って 必要な時が来る。そしたら絶対こう言う、あぁ、捨てなきゃ良かったって。
A: Why is it locked?
B: Because… that's a secret base … hehe, like when an earthquake happens, things in there would be coming out. and if not, you'll take the trouble of cleaning 'em up right?
I locked it so it won't open.
A: Do you have that much stuff in there? Why don't you just throw 'em away?
B: You don't know me at all! I keep 'em cuz I need 'em!
A: Well, that's how things are pilling up, you know? If you don't use it, you better throw it away.
B: you've regreted throwing things away. Haven't you?? After all, the day you need them would be coming up. And then you'll definitely say like, "oh man, I shouldn't have threw 'em away…"
A: Do you know what it is called? It's just a quibble!
you've used a lot of contractions here. awesome.
I enjoyed this skit.😊
A: Why is it locked?
B: Because… that's a secret base … hehe, like when an earthquake happens, things in there would be coming out. and if not, you'll take the trouble of cleaning 'em up right?
I locked it so it won't open.
A: Do you have that much stuff in there? Why don't you just throw 'em away?
B: You don't know me at all! I keep 'em cuz I need 'em!
A: Well, that's how things are pilling up, you know? If you don't use it, you better throw it away.
B: you've regreted throwing things away. Haven't you?? After all, the day you need them would be coming up. And then you'll definitely say like, "oh man, I shouldn't have threw 'em away…"
A: Do you know what it is called? It's just a quibble!
you've used a lot of contractions here. awesome.
I enjoyed this skit.😊
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? A イスファハンって世界の半分なんだって。
B 五日間が世界の半分? じゃあ、世界の全部は十日間ってこと?
A うーん。下らないけど、そういうことかな。
B でも、それじゃあ三日余るけど、余った三日はどこへいったの。
B 五日間が世界の半分? じゃあ、世界の全部は十日間ってこと?
A うーん。下らないけど、そういうことかな。
B でも、それじゃあ三日余るけど、余った三日はどこへいったの。
It say
A. Isfahan is half of the world.
B Five days is half the world? So the whole world is ten days?
A Hmmm. It's a bit silly, but I guess that's what it means.
B But then there are three days left over, where did the extra three days go?
It say
A. Isfahan is half of the world.
B Five days is half the world? So the whole world is ten days?
A Hmmm. It's a bit silly, but I guess that's what it means.
B But then there are three days left over, where did the extra three days go?
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? A:손님 카드가 결제가 안되네요
B:다른곳에는 다 됐어요 한번더해주세요
B:다른곳에는 다 됐어요 한번더해주세요
there isnt an english word for 손님
A- excuse me, it seems you're card isnt going through.
B- it worked in other places, please try again.
A- excuse me, it seems you're card isnt going through.
B- it worked in other places, please try again.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? A:크리스마스에 뭐했어?
B:집에 하루종일 있었어
A:왜 안나갔어?
B:몸이 안좋아서
B:집에 하루종일 있었어
A:왜 안나갔어?
B:몸이 안좋아서
A: What did you do for Christmas?
B: I was home all day.
A: Why didn't you go out?
B: I wasn't feeling well
B: I was home all day.
A: Why didn't you go out?
B: I wasn't feeling well
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? (음식점에서)
A : 이거 양이 얼마나돼요?
B : 3인분이에요
A : 남자 2명이 먹을건데 많지 않을까요?
B : 남자 2명이면 괜찮을거에요.
A : 이거 양이 얼마나돼요?
B : 3인분이에요
A : 남자 2명이 먹을건데 많지 않을까요?
B : 남자 2명이면 괜찮을거에요.
ah, I see
A: how much does this come with?
B: three portions
A: Are you sure that wouldn't be too much food for two?
B: It should be fine for 2 people.
though, this kind of conversation would be rare in english in the US. our restaurants don't measure things in "portions" and we don't typically share food here. usually, an entrée is a meal for one person.
we might ask "is it big?" or "I'm really hungry, do you think this will be enough?" to find out how much food comes in the order.
ah, I see
A: how much does this come with?
B: three portions
A: Are you sure that wouldn't be too much food for two?
B: It should be fine for 2 people.
though, this kind of conversation would be rare in english in the US. our restaurants don't measure things in "portions" and we don't typically share food here. usually, an entrée is a meal for one person.
we might ask "is it big?" or "I'm really hungry, do you think this will be enough?" to find out how much food comes in the order.
Other questions about "B"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? A: Were we loud? 우리 시끄러웠어?
B: Not much. 별로
B: Not much. 별로
× B: Not much.
✓ B: Not really.
You can also say "not too loud", but "not really" is the most common/natural wording.
✓ B: Not really.
You can also say "not too loud", but "not really" is the most common/natural wording.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? A: Can you hear me?
B: Yes, I can hear you clearly. (You have the floor/Feel free to start your discussion).
Is the phrase 'you have the floor'—which lets someone know it's their turn to speak—used only in formal settings, or do people say it in casual conversations too?
B: Yes, I can hear you clearly. (You have the floor/Feel free to start your discussion).
Is the phrase 'you have the floor'—which lets someone know it's their turn to speak—used only in formal settings, or do people say it in casual conversations too?
It's usually just used in fairly formal situations but just a few days ago at a casual meeting I was attending under some trees, the person running our meeting said "you have the floor," so it actually can be used anywhere. Someone at the meeting jokingly responded: "Don't you mean you have the ground?" :)
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? A: What made you learning English?
B: Ahh, my sister encouraged me to learn English.
A: I see, for what?
B: She'll move out to the US. We very close together.
So I have to go to the US to meet her after her moving out to the US.
B: Ahh, my sister encouraged me to learn English.
A: I see, for what?
B: She'll move out to the US. We very close together.
So I have to go to the US to meet her after her moving out to the US.
× A: What made you learning English?
✓ A: What motivated you learn English?
× B: Ahh, my sister encouraged me to learn English.
✓ B: Ahh, my sister encouraged me.
× B: She'll move out to the US.
✓ B: She'll move to the US.
× We very close together.
✓ We are very close,
× So I have to go to the US to meet her after her moving out to the US.
✓ so I have to go to the US to meet her after she moves.
✓ A: What motivated you learn English?
× B: Ahh, my sister encouraged me to learn English.
✓ B: Ahh, my sister encouraged me.
× B: She'll move out to the US.
✓ B: She'll move to the US.
× We very close together.
✓ We are very close,
× So I have to go to the US to meet her after her moving out to the US.
✓ so I have to go to the US to meet her after she moves.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? A: What happened?
B: Nothing happened.
B: Nothing happened.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? A: Shall we go out? 나갈까?
B: It's up to you. 네 맘대로 해
B: It's up to you. 네 맘대로 해
× A: Shall we go out?
✓ A: Should we go out?
Most people say “should” because “shall” sounds too formal and a little old.
Hope this helps! :)
✓ A: Should we go out?
Most people say “should” because “shall” sounds too formal and a little old.
Hope this helps! :)
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