Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Actress"
The meaning of "Actress" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy - Is it weird that I don't know what she's been in? I know she's a very famous actress.?
Is it weird I don’t know what movies she was in? I should know because she is a very famous actress.
The above is like the expanded form of the question sentences.
Basically the question sentences are asking is it strange for a person to recognize a famous actress but not remember what movies or tv shows the actress played a role on.
Is it weird I don’t know what movies she was in? I should know because she is a very famous actress.
The above is like the expanded form of the question sentences.
Basically the question sentences are asking is it strange for a person to recognize a famous actress but not remember what movies or tv shows the actress played a role on.
Co znaczy I think you assemble Korean actress?
thank you very much^^
Co znaczy The English actress was spotted kissing him?
It means that the English actress was seen kissing him
Co znaczy "actress"??
Co znaczy The actress is a phenomena?
@leolin0819: phenomena means mystery, this phrase in English doesn't literally mean a mystery ,but it means she's so talented that her talent is a mystery.
Example sentences using "Actress"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z What does “A-list” actress mean? .
A-list actress (or Actor) means that the woman is an actress who appears in major movies and is sought after in the movie industry. Some examples:
Angelina Jollie is an A-list actress. Jenifer Lawrence is an A-list actress.
Angelina Jollie is an A-list actress. Jenifer Lawrence is an A-list actress.
Synonyms of "Actress" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między The many actresses in the movie i The many of actresses in the movie ?
“The many actresses in the movie” sounds natural and “the many of actresses in the movie” is not natural sounding
Jaka jest różnica między She was an actress. i She used to be an actress. i She had been an actress. ?
Sentence number 1:
This would be used when you are talking about the lady’s past career. For example: ‘She was an actress when she was younger.’
Sentence number 2:
This would be used to emphasise that the lady is no longer an actress, or if you are discussing her career after acting. For example: ‘She used to be an actress but now she is an accountant.’
Sentence number 3:
This would be used more rarely. You would use it if the lady was an actress a very long time ago before doing other things. You would also use this to talk about the time when she stopped acting. For example: ‘She had been an actress for thirty years before she decided to change her career.’
This would be used when you are talking about the lady’s past career. For example: ‘She was an actress when she was younger.’
Sentence number 2:
This would be used to emphasise that the lady is no longer an actress, or if you are discussing her career after acting. For example: ‘She used to be an actress but now she is an accountant.’
Sentence number 3:
This would be used more rarely. You would use it if the lady was an actress a very long time ago before doing other things. You would also use this to talk about the time when she stopped acting. For example: ‘She had been an actress for thirty years before she decided to change her career.’
Jaka jest różnica między She had hoped to become an actress as an adult i She had hoped to become an adult as an actress ?
Thank you!
Jaka jest różnica między actress i actor ?
An "actor" is a man or a woman.
An "actress" is a woman.
An "actress" is a woman.
Translations of "Actress"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? Did she was a actress ?
Was she an actress?
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? I have been watching this actress since I was young and I love to know her news
Check the question to view the answer
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? who is the top actress in America?
Who is the highest paid actress in America?
Who is the best American actress?
Which American actress has won the most awards?
Who is the best looking American actress?
Who is the best American actress?
Which American actress has won the most awards?
Who is the best looking American actress?
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? actress
@Lxk4xk4: you're right. "Actress" is for one girl, "actresses" is for two girls or more. "Actor" is for one boy and "actors" is for two boys or more. "Actors" can also be used for a group of girls and boys.
Other questions about "Actress"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Why didn't the actress get popular in your country?
“Why isn’t the actress popular in your country?”
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I don' like the actress because her acting is over expressive and cheesy. Just watching her movies makes me feel embarassed.
"I don't like the actress because her acting is overly expressive and cheesy. Just watching her makes me feel embarassed."
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Japanese actress produced the udon restaurant and thy located in Roppongi, Haneda airport and more. It tastes really good and each plate is extremely huge. I’m sure you are going to be surprised.
A Japanese actress produced a udon restaurant and it is located in Roppongi, Haneda Airport and other locations. It tastes really good and each plate is extremely huge. I’m sure you are going to be surprised.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I think she's a good actress. I don't know why her movies always end up in a flop.
" . . . always end up as flops."
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? "A Korean actress appeared on American drama Lost"
Do I use correct verb above that sentence?
Isn't it awkard?
'appear on' is more naturall expression for stage not tv show?
Do I use correct verb above that sentence?
Isn't it awkard?
'appear on' is more naturall expression for stage not tv show?
I think it sounds fine! Just make sure you say “the American drama.” 😊 Or you could say “A Korean actress was on the American drama lost.” More people would say that.
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
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