Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Caption"
The meaning of "Caption" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy The caption ?
In other words, I guess, you have/contain many beautiful aspects and things.
In other words, I guess, you have/contain many beautiful aspects and things.
Co znaczy a caption describing what the image of?
This is a notation describing the image.
Co znaczy caption this?
"caption this" means to give a phrase, saying or sentence to describe what is being referenced to.
for example:
if you were asked to "caption this" photo bellow you could respond with:
- the person in the photo is me when I have homework to do -
~ Your just giving a phrase to what ever is being refrenced to. it can be humorous and sometimes serious. its almost like slang or a more casual way of talking.
for example:
if you were asked to "caption this" photo bellow you could respond with:
- the person in the photo is me when I have homework to do -
~ Your just giving a phrase to what ever is being refrenced to. it can be humorous and sometimes serious. its almost like slang or a more casual way of talking.
Co znaczy Sometime I am done with captions.?
Sometimes I am done with captions. (sometimes they do not like captions)
sometime I will be done with captions. (In the future they will not need captions, because their language skills will be good enough.)
sometime I will be done with captions. (In the future they will not need captions, because their language skills will be good enough.)
Co znaczy captions?
it’s a sentence or a word that is usually written under a post or a picture and it is normally used for description.
For example, if you post a picture on instagram, you can add a caption under that photo of yours to add the location or describe the photo
For example, if you post a picture on instagram, you can add a caption under that photo of yours to add the location or describe the photo
Example sentences using "Caption"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z caption .
The restaurant's caption was ridiculous.
A small sign showed a caption of the potrait.
What should I caption this?
A small sign showed a caption of the potrait.
What should I caption this?
Napisz przykładowe zdania z caption.
The caption of the news article read "Protesters flock to Washington ...".
Here's a picture of the three fastest men in the world. Make sure the caption under the picture lists their names in the order they are standing from left to right.
I'm still learning french so when I watch movies in French I have to have the captions on or I'll have no idea what's going on.
Here's a picture of the three fastest men in the world. Make sure the caption under the picture lists their names in the order they are standing from left to right.
I'm still learning french so when I watch movies in French I have to have the captions on or I'll have no idea what's going on.
Synonyms of "Caption" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między captions i subtitles ?
Captions are explaining what is happening.
Subtitles are translating what is happening.
Subtitles are translating what is happening.
Jaka jest różnica między caption i subtitle ?
Good question! A caption is nearly always short and is found under a picture or photo to explain what is happening in the picture. Subtitles are usually translations from one language to another and are often used in foreign films so that viewers in another country can understand the dialogue.
Jaka jest różnica między caption i subtitle ?
Subtitles provide viewers with a video’s dialogue in written form. Captions include subtitles and a written description of what is happening in the video for viewers who might not be able to hear or understand the sound.
Jaka jest różnica między captions i subtitles ?
captions are usually under pictures
example : she always has awesome captions on her Instagram.
subtitles are usually translated words on a foreign film/video
example : this Chinese website has the best english subtitles
example : she always has awesome captions on her Instagram.
subtitles are usually translated words on a foreign film/video
example : this Chinese website has the best english subtitles
Jaka jest różnica między captions i subtitles ?
Usually, captions are for deaf people, and subtitles are translations.
But, a "caption" can also be a description for a picture.
But, a "caption" can also be a description for a picture.
Translations of "Caption"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? What does the caption really mean. “Fat load of use”?
@nilyannkochan I actually hear this expression a lot, though usually as "fat lot of". "Fat" here is a sarcastic way of saying "none". (Fat lot of good = not a lot of good, fat chance = no chance). Here are some example sentences, if it helps:
1. A fat lot of use that would be! What a stupid idea.
2. A fat lot of good that did me, spending all that time carefully wrapping the ceramic mugs only to drop the box on the floor and break them all.
3. "I've brought an umbrella." "A fat lot of good that will do now that it's stopped raining!"
4. You think she'll lend you the money? Fat chance! She's a total penny-pincher.
1. A fat lot of use that would be! What a stupid idea.
2. A fat lot of good that did me, spending all that time carefully wrapping the ceramic mugs only to drop the box on the floor and break them all.
3. "I've brought an umbrella." "A fat lot of good that will do now that it's stopped raining!"
4. You think she'll lend you the money? Fat chance! She's a total penny-pincher.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? caption this,please make a caption を楽しめるサービスがあれば教えてほしいです!
I would like to know if there is a service that you can enjoy!
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? “Too much of me. So little of you.” - does it sound natural? Can I use it for as a caption for picture?
Good for an instagram caption, but not for talking in general :)
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? Please correct me “Regarding the caption ed proposal, I have let all relevant parties checking the final documents now. If there is no significant issue be raised , I will go ahead to set meetings with Dept head and sub Dept head to get their approvals”
I will do it in 2 parts
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? " There's not caption in this photo" or " There's not caption on this photo"
"There is not a caption on this photo." or "There is no caption on this photo."
Other questions about "Caption"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? (This is a caption of a photo)
Ashikaga school is the first school in Japan, that was founded in 1432 and abolished in 1872. It had been deserted for long time after the abolition but recently it has been reevaluated again and reconstructed in 1990. This was literally the real center of education those days especially about Confucianism.
Ashikaga school is the first school in Japan, that was founded in 1432 and abolished in 1872. It had been deserted for long time after the abolition but recently it has been reevaluated again and reconstructed in 1990. This was literally the real center of education those days especially about Confucianism.
× Ashikaga school is the first school in Japan, that was founded in 1432 and abolished in 1872.
✓ Ashikaga school was the first school in Japan. It was founded in 1432 and closed in 1872.
× It had been deserted for long time after the abolition but recently it has been reevaluated again and reconstructed in 1990.
✓ It had been abandoned for long time after being closed, but in recent past it was reevaluated, and then rebuilt in 1990.
× This was literally the real center of education those days especially about Confucianism.
✓ It was literally the real center of education in those days, especially about Confucianism.
✓ Ashikaga school was the first school in Japan. It was founded in 1432 and closed in 1872.
× It had been deserted for long time after the abolition but recently it has been reevaluated again and reconstructed in 1990.
✓ It had been abandoned for long time after being closed, but in recent past it was reevaluated, and then rebuilt in 1990.
× This was literally the real center of education those days especially about Confucianism.
✓ It was literally the real center of education in those days, especially about Confucianism.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I would like to add captions in English on my Instagram.
× I would like to add captions in English on my Instagram.
✓ I want to add English captions on my Instagram posts/stories
For casual speech: I wanna add English captions on my posts/stories
✓ I want to add English captions on my Instagram posts/stories
For casual speech: I wanna add English captions on my posts/stories
are caption and subtitles the same ? like synonyms?
They are often used like synonyms, however, "captions" are more often used for single-picture titles, and "subtitles" are almost always used for movies/tv shows.
I read a Malaysian caption on Instagram, she was in her graduation ceremony. She wrote "convocation" to describe it.
My question is that why did she use "convocation" instead of "graduation"?
As far as I know they have different meaning.
My question is that why did she use "convocation" instead of "graduation"?
As far as I know they have different meaning.
They are interchangable. It is a somewhat British and formal term for a graduation ceremony, although it can technically refer to any formal gathering for academic/religious purposes.
I would like to write a caption for a pic which is about freedom of life with negative meaning.
Is the following sentence sound native?Thank you!
Drink a beer, and forget we are living in a cage.
Is the following sentence sound native?Thank you!
Drink a beer, and forget we are living in a cage.
It's okay. I think it would sound better as "Drink a beer and forget we live in a cage"
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