Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Serve"
The meaning of "Serve" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy serve you right?
Serves you right basically means you deserved it.
Co znaczy I serve to please?
to give satisfaction, pleasure, or contentment to a person; make or cause a person to be glad
Co znaczy it serves you right. He totally deserves it. ?
u saw a bully beating another kid and when he walked away he suddenly stepped on a banana peel slipped and fell, you say " yup he totally deserved it" 😂😆 "serves you right..wahaha"
Co znaczy to serve ?
It means one of two things.
1) to perform duties- He served in the army
2) to present food- He likes to serve his guests wine
1) to perform duties- He served in the army
2) to present food- He likes to serve his guests wine
Co znaczy It serves him right.?
It means that he deserves that happened to him. "He went to jail."
"Serves him right, he murdered three people."
"Serves him right, he murdered three people."
Example sentences using "Serve"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z it serves me right (for) .
"It serves me right" means "I deserve it" in a negative way.
"It serves me right for being mean to them."
"It serves me right for hitting that dog."
If what happened is good, you would not use this phrase.
"It serves me right for being mean to them."
"It serves me right for hitting that dog."
If what happened is good, you would not use this phrase.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z It served me well.
"That dinner served me well, I feel better already." "She served me well while she worked here, I'll miss her baking." "Going on holiday served me well, I feel so relaxed now."
Napisz przykładowe zdania z serves you right,what does it mean?.
"Serves you right" means "You got what you deserve" in a negative way. For example if someone is being mean to you, and then something bad happens to them, you could say "serves you right" I hope this helped :)
Napisz przykładowe zdania z "better serve".
“To better serve you, please fill out this questionnaire, so we can do our best suit your needs.”
“I want to do something that will better serve those I work with.”
“I want to do something that will better serve those I work with.”
Napisz przykładowe zdania z serve as.
はい。 you can say serve as in the act of doing something. A 'waiter would serve food' .Or 'he is going to spend/sever several years in prison.'
Synonyms of "Serve" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między serve i service ?
Service 动词的意思是维修、保养,和serve的动词意思不一样哇
Jaka jest różnica między serve as i act as i function as ?
"Serve as" and "function as" are the same, though "serve as" is more for people and "function as" is more for objects, but they can both be applied to either. "Act as" is similar, but it more often implies that something is being substituted for something else that isn't present. For example, you can "serve as" a manager any time, but you can "act as" a manager when the real manager is on vacation.
Jaka jest różnica między #1 It served me right i #2 I deserved it ?
They both mean the same thing.
They both mean the same thing.
Jaka jest różnica między that serves you right. i that sucks to you. ?
If someone does something bad and something bad happens to them, “it serves you right” deserve that bad thing happening to you since you did something bad.
An example of “sucks to be you” - if I’m telling you that I have to go do something horrible and you get to go do something fun, “sucks to be you”.....glad I’m not you.
An example of “sucks to be you” - if I’m telling you that I have to go do something horrible and you get to go do something fun, “sucks to be you”.....glad I’m not you.
Jaka jest różnica między serve as i provide ?
serve as = to work in a specific role
provide = is to give / offer
He serves as the director of the company.
He provided relief to the refugees. / Our company provides consultation services for banks.
provide = is to give / offer
He serves as the director of the company.
He provided relief to the refugees. / Our company provides consultation services for banks.
Translations of "Serve"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? serve
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Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? 「お腹いっぱいだけど、なんか食べたい」と言うとき、That serving was not fillingはナチュラルな言い方ですか?
Saying "serving" is a bit unnatural. I would say:
"Dinner wasn't enough." (Or "Lunch/breakfast wasn't enough.")
"Dinner didn't fill me up."
"Dinner wasn't enough." (Or "Lunch/breakfast wasn't enough.")
"Dinner didn't fill me up."
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? we will serve you better
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Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? serve
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Other questions about "Serve"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? How many serving do you eat in one sitting?
× How many serving do you eat in one sitting?
✓ How many serving can you eat in one sitting?
✓ How many serving can you eat in one sitting?
"It serves you right" <-- Do you actually use it?
yes Americans use this phrase. example: I tell you not to do something I dont like, you do it anyway and something bad happens to you, i might say, well serves you right.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Hey you.
Can you serve 5 and 2
each of them ?
Can you serve 5 and 2
each of them ?
What are you wanting to ask or do?
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? It's a big serving!
it's a big portion!
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? It’s serve cold only.
It's served cold only.
It's only served cold.
It's only served cold.
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