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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Recently I bought a set of making tea utensils for the tea ceremony. When operating an authentic tea ceremony, you need much more items, but the things I got are the bare essentials for making green tea. You can enjoy making it by using them. I’ll introduce these utensils. The first one is a tea bowl called Chawan. It’s the round and wide-mouthed teacup. The second one is a bamboo tea whisk called Chasen. It’s used for stirring and whipping powdered green tea. The third one is a small spoon made of bamboo, called Chasyaku. One person’s portion of powdered green tea is one and half of the Chasyaku. The fourth one is a lidded small container to put powdered green tea in, called Natsume. Tea bowls and containers have various beautiful designs and colors. All of them are encased in a portable box. This style is quite casual and simplified so that you can enjoy green tea anywhere. Next weekend, I’m thinking about making green tea at a park and drinking it with my favorite sweets.

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