
19 Pins
Future tense in Spanish. This assignment is to reinforce the usage of the future tense. Students write 10 of their goals and illustrate at least 4 of them. Great way to review the FUTURE tense.
Future tense in Spanish. This assignment is to reinforce the usage of the future tense. Students write 10 of their goals and illustrate at least 4 of them. Great way to review the FUTURE tense.:
Why Teachers Should Create Vision Boards With Their Students - Study All Knight
WHY TEACHERS SHOULD CREATE VISION BOARDS WITH THEIR STUDENTS | Vision boards are an amazing tool that helps keep you motivated and determined to make your future real. Teachers promoting a growth mindset will continue to encourage hard work and determination and the vision board supports the goals the student will strive for. | Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, homeschool #visionboard #growthmindset
New Year Making Vision Boards Goal-Setting Activity
A vision board is a collage of pictures, phrases and words that represents what you want to be, do or have in your life. My purpose for creating these boards with my students is that they will create a vision for their future that will help them to keep moving in a positive direction in their lives.