
447 Pins
My Personal "Altar" to Mars. Since I'm Leaving the Military I've Decided To Add My Runes & Will Be Drawing Daily for Guidance & Communication With Him.
Altar for lord Apollon
Just wanted to share what i made! It’s a really full-circle moment for me since i can finally display my practice in my own home. He
Poseidon, Ancient Greek Olympian god of the sea, earthquakes, floods, horses, and droughts. 🌊🔱 🌙Follow @laurusamystic #poseidon #greekgod #poseidonas #greekmythology #deityworship #deitywork #deityofferings #hellenicpolytheism #hellenism #hellenicpagan #paganism #pagan #ancientgreece
This is the current selection of Greek God Candles I offer in the shop. Customs are also available #candles #deitycandles #hellenic #pagan #witch