Sensory Processing

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The Proprioceptive Seeker Profile
Autistic or ADHD children are often either Proprioceptive Seekers or proprioceptive avoidants (or a complex mixture of both). This article discusses the different propioceptive profiles
14 Strategies for Kinesthetic Learners At Home and At School
14 Strategies for Kinesthetic Learners | A kinesthetic learner learns most effectively by feeling or moving. They understand best through hands-on experience, and need a multi-sensory learning environment. Also known as 'tactile learners', they learn by 'doing' and can quickly grow bored in a classroom setting. Click for our best tips to engage students from preschool, through to middle and high school during class lessons, plus study strategies for kinaesthetic learners at home.
Powerful Proprioceptive Activities That Calm, Focus, & Alert
How to Create a Sensory Diet for Kids
Powerful Proprioceptive Activities That Calm, Focus, & Alert