New Years & January: Starting off Strong!

New Years | New Year's Eve | New Years resolutions | New Years party ideas | January | goals for the new year | New Years activities | New Years decor | party games | Happy New Year | countdown | festivities | midnight | growth mindset | blank page | 365 | bucket list | calendar | New Years goals
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Inspiring 2 Corinthians 5:17 New Year Bible Study
🎉 Kick off the year with this Must-Read New Year Bible Study for Women! 🙏 Dive into scripture and discover God’s plans for the year ahead. 🌟 Start the journey today and set a strong foundation with New Year Devotions. #NewYearBibleStudy #NewYearDevotions #BibleStudyForWomen
7 Steps to Set Faithful New Year's Resolutions
New Year's resolutions for Christians can glorify God, but your heart needs to be in the right place. Learn how to set godly goals. BONUS: Take inspiration from 5 ideas for Christian New Year's resolutions. #Bible
Ready to Quit Your Resolutions? — Ami Loper
How is it the middle of February already?? Have you struggled with keeping those resolutions you set in January? Have you quit altogether? Listen in for a bit of encouragement. #ChristianVlog #Resolutions #Goals
How to Celebrate the New Year All Month Long | The Small Adventurer
Don't let the excitement of a new year dull after after just one day! With these tips and tricks, you can learn how to celebrate the New Year all month long, truly embrace all the opportunities ahead of you and learn to appreciate what's in front of you!
Dear January: A Love/Hate Letter to The Longest Month of the Year
Dear January, You are a new beginning. You are a blank slate. You bring weeks of illness and isolation. (Every year.) You bring fatigue levels that make the rest of the year seem easy (even though I know it’s not). You bring weariness to my already tired bones. You make me feel like I can take on the world and do anything…And then you bring me to the complete and utter end of myself. Dear January. You are hard on me. But we still had a good run.
Scripture Prayers for the New Year: How to Seek God's Plan for 2024
Start 2024 strong with a free prayer challenge. These prayers for the new year will help you seek God's face and follow God's plan for the year ahead. || Proverbs 31 Mentor