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Firewake Imp by Valley of Worlds
Hello Travelers! Another hellish creature, a speedy trickster this time - the Firewake imp! You can find the PDF version for free on our patreon as always (linked above).
[OC-Art] Pyroclasm | Longbow [The Mithral Canvas] 5e
[OC-Art] Pyroclasm | Longbow [The Mithral Canvas] 5e : r/UnearthedArcana
Get more from The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon
The Griffon's Saddlebag | Over a thousand magic items, settings, and player options for 5e | Patreon
Mother's Tear
Get hundreds of items, inventive monsters, maps, and more on our patreon! #dnd #homebrew #dndhomebrew #magicitem #fantasyitem #dndmagicitem #dungeondanddragons #shinypress #5e #dnd5e
Get more from The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon
The Griffon's Saddlebag | Over a thousand magic items, settings, and player options for 5e | Patreon
Dreamwalker’s Glove
More Homebrew Items, Monsters and Battlemaps in the link! #rudokstavern #dndhomebrew #dnd5ehomebrew #dndhomebrewideas #dndrogue #freddykrueger #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #dnddagger #dndweapon #halloween #nightmareonelmstreet #dndhalloween
Get more from mrjamesgifford on Patreon
mrjamesgifford | creating Dungeons and Dragons items, maps and artwork | Patreon
DnD 5e Void Hound
A creature, cast in the form of a savage dog, from the depths of a unknown reality.
Craven Edge: Card
The legendary Cursed Blade. #Dungeon #Scribe #Magic #Oddity #dnd #d&d #art #Dungeons #dragons #dnd5e #5th #5e #fantasy #critical #role #critters #tabletop #rpg #ttrpg #fantasy #item #weapon #illustration #art #homebrew #card #cards #master #wizards #wotc #roleplay #d20 #wondrous #asset #board #epic #dice #critical #role #mercer #critrole #vox #machina #grog #barbarian #fighter # Curse #Strength #necrotic #Craven #edge #devour #greed #vecna #hungry #sentient #evil #chaotic
Dictate - 3rd-level Enchantment Ever wanted to secretly trick or influence someone, or create chaos by imitating another’s voice? No more futile attempts! Simply cast this spell and let the creature itself utter the chaos-inducing words! Art by Midjourney #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #spell #trickery #influence
Lightning Laces
A perfect item for early game parties! It's decent on everyone, so it gets them talking about strategy. Who needs to move more? Who wants to go first in combat? #dnd #homebrew #dndhomebrew #magicitem #fantasyitem #dndmagicitem #dungeondanddragons #5e #dnd5e #fantasy #magic #boots #uncommon #lightning #armour #armor #speed