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Soft, deep red valentines nails 🫡 Using @the_gelbottle_inc’s Dolly paired with Bloodgood, we’re nicely continuing to build up natural nail length 🤍 If you’re keen to start BIAB treatments or would prefer gel extensions - I have availability to take on new girls as early as next week 👷🏼‍♀️🔨 Nail tech in Colchester #colchesternails #colchester #colchesternailtech #colchesterbiab #chelmsford #essex #essexnails #essexnailtech #chelmsfordnails #braintree #tiptree #tiptreenails #bloodgood #theg...
Nailed Romance: SBR's Valentine's Day Nail Inspiration
Elevate your nail game with SBR's specially picked out Valentine's Day Nail inspo, celebrating the season of love with style anf flair.