Lavender plant

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What to Do With Lavender Leaves {11 Ways to Use Lavender Leaves}
Ever harvested lavender and noticed that not only the flower buds, but also the leaves smelled utterly divine? You can use lavender leaves for tea, cooking, and body care products. Here's what to know about using lavender leaves plus 11 ways to enjoy them. | lavender uses | herbal uses for lavender leaves | herbalism | homemade body care | can you use lavender leaves | what to do with lavender leaves |
6+ Uses for Lavender Leaves
Lavender flowers are only around for a short time, but there are plenty of uses for lavender leaves! Learn how to harvest, dry & use them in DIY projects.
What to Do With Lavender Leaves {11 Ways to Use Lavender Leaves}
Lavender Salve: Homemade Healing Skin Remedy
Healing Lavender Salve: Herbal Salve Recipes - If you're looking for homemade skin care recipes to make at home with medicinal flowers, you'll love this DIY herbal salve made with lavender, coconut oil, olive oil, & beeswax. This DIY body care recipe is the perfect way to soothe dry, cracked skin.