Special Days/Offers/Discount/Sale

Stay tuned for amazing offers, discounts and sale on DataCaptive and its services
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World Patient Safety Day.
World Patient Safety Day enhances the global🌎understanding of patient safety and increases public engagement in healthcare 🩺 safety. This day also helps us promote global actions to enhance patient safety and reduce patient harm. It can help bring about awareness towards important discussions locally and globally that inspires an action to improve the safety of the #healthcare system. #worldpatientsafetyday #safetyday #healthcaresystem #patients #b2bhealthcare #healthcare
National Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day honors the love that only grandparents can provide. They also offer guidance and stability and it is our duty to cherish and take care of them. All you have to do is pick up the phone ☎️! Surprise your grandparents with a much-awaited phone conversation, write a letter📧, or even take them on an adventure. #nationalgrandparentsday #phoneconversations #grandparenstday #b2bmarketing #usacelebrationday #b2bopportunity
Air Force Birthday
The United States Air Force (USAF) turns 75. Over the few decades the American Airforce ✈️ has established itself as an air force second-to-none. Today let's celebrate 🎉the airmen and women who are on watch every day. #airforcebirthday #75birthday #USairforce #unitedstates #USAF #celebrations
Patriot Day
Patriot Day commemoration the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775 and the Battle of Mentomy, which were the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. The day is a public holiday in the states of Massachusetts and Maine only. #patriotday #USA #ceremonies #activities #mentomy #americanrevolutionarywar #lexington&concord
An exclusive Christmas offer that you can’t miss! Save 30% with this holiday offer.
Santa🎅 is near, so is our sale! For most people, the holiday season may be about taking our foot off the gas, unwinding with friends and family, and savoring delicious food. However, for B2B marketers, this is the time of the year where they start thinking of effective holiday marketing strategies. And to help you leverage this holiday fever and plan holiday email marketing campaigns, DataCaptive is offering a massive 30% of on all its contact databases. So, don’t miss out on the offer!
DataCaptive's Black Friday Sale!
A Black Friday marketing strategy is the key to standing out in a large crowd of advertising. And to help you do just that, we at DataCaptive are offering everyone a 30% off on all our contact databases. #blackfridaysale #blackfridaydeals #blackfridayoffers #blackfridaymarketing #b2bsales #contactdatabase #DataCaptive
International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW) day raises awareness of the importance of the problem and its possible solutions at all levels. #internationalday #awarenessoffoodlossandwaste #IDAFLW #29september #globalhealth
Human Resource Professional Day
Human Resource Professional Day is designed to pay tribute to those working in H.R departments everywhere. If you are trying to get in touch with HR professionals, than this email database of HR professionals is the perfect place to start. Make use of the limited period 20% discount & get massive savings! - redeem the offer #HR #humanresourceprofessionalsday #HRday #peoplesday #B2Bemaillist #b2bleads #b2bHRmanagers #HRdirectors #emaildatabase
Gold Star Mother's Day
Gold Star Mother's Day is observed in the United States on the last Sunday of September. This day helps to recognize and honor those who have lost immediate family member who died as the result of military service while serving the United States Armed Forces. #goldstarmothersday #goldstarmother #US #unitedstatesarmedforces #USA #airforces #celebrations
National Clean Up Day.
National Clean Up Day is here! We can celebrate🎉this day by promoting cleanup events nationwide 🌎 to keep our environment clean and prevent plastic buildup in the ocean. National Clean Up Day can help encourage all of us to take action to make the entire country a better place to live. #nationalcleanupday #freefromplastic #reducelitter #environment #celebrations #cleanup #nationalcleanday
Hispanic American.
The National Hispanic Heritage Month is annually celebrated from September 15 to October 15 in America to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic Americans. You can celebrate this day by discovering documents, exhibits, films, blog posts and more from the National Archives. #nationalhispanic #heritagemonth #nationalhispanicheritage #celebrations #USA #America #nationalarchives
Labor Day.
Labor Day is an annual celebration🎉of the social & economic achievements of American workers. Labor Day started as a part of the labor union movement, to recognize the contributions of men 👬and women 👭 in the US workforce, but now it is seen as a chance to celebrate the last weekend of summer. #laborday #americancelebration #economicachievements #celebrate #traditional
Big Sale
Mark 25th September to 1st October as your lucky dates on the calendar right now because DataCaptive is offering a generous discount on all the datasets and you would not want to miss out on it. Happy prospecting! https://www.datacaptive.com/ #sales #b2bsales #b2b #prospecting
Women Equality Day
Wishing all the strong and beautiful ladies a Happy Women's Equality Day This day reminds us of the hurdles overcome by the heroic women who faced violence and discrimination to propel the women's movement forward. Hence, #DataCaptive want to encourage the girl power we have in our office by giving them more opportunities to excel and shine at their work. #happywomensequalityday #celebrations #womensequality #womensday #womenempowerment
Happy World Senior Citizens Day! Promote awareness about elder abuse and age deterioration. Our geriatrician email list will help you reach family medicine specialists. #nationalseniorcitizenday #seniorcitizen #geriatricianemaillist #DataCaptive