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Bible Studies for Adults
Designed to illuminate the historical, cultural, and biblical context of Scripture, book by book, we help men and women understand and apply God’s Word in a manner that is sustainable, thorough, and applicable.
Free Printable - 15 Bible Verses Every Woman Should Know By Heart
Get your FREE Top 15 Bible Verses Printable and get encouragement from the Bible in your inbox. "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33 #bible #verses #freeprintable #freedownload
End Time Events
CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE OF THE END TIME EVENTS In my previous posting, I was reflecting on prophecy and thinking how fortunate I am to see Bible prophecy in my time, unfolding right before my very eyes. How exciting it is to see God working behind the scenes and we are witnesses to all of this today. How God is setting the stage for Russia and her allies to attack Israel. Some 2500 years ago the prophet Ezekiel recorded in great detail one of the most horrific battles in biblical history and toda
Revelation 13: Beast, Image, Mark (666) & False Prophet
Daniel & Revelation 13 Comparison –
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: Infographic - Thomas Nelson Bibles